Friday, July 25, 2008

Homemade goes Semi-Homemade

According to my Homemade blog title, it is obvious that I love to bake. However, it may not be so obvious that I also love to cook.

Unfortunately, sometimes my life as a momtrepreneur/caretaker/wife gets ahead of dinner. So, I often resort to the semi-homemade concept. Necessity is the mother of invention and this mother has incorporated a new feature: "Homemade Goes Semi-Homemade" to share with you all. I hope you will find something you like to cook for dinner.

Coming soon:

Garlic Chicken Risotto
Grilled Citrus Salmon with Lemon Rice and Cucumber Salsa

1 comment:

  1. I love being semi-homemade sometimes, it just makes life so much easier!
