Sunday, August 24, 2008

Changing Things Up

I know, I know...I usually publish a recipe on Mondays. However, this week, I am participating in the Iron Cupcake Milwaukee. The ingredient is wine and I think I have a winner:-)

So, if you guys can hang on until Wednesday for the recipe, I promise you a great post on Monday about the cupcake competition.


  1. So, wait, wine in a cupcake? That sounds unique!

  2. Can't wait for the recipe for cupcakes...with wine. Wow.

    I have a surprise for you over at my site. Go over and take a look.

  3. YES YES YES!!! I think we are doing our kids a disservice with the preparing and the pre-preparing and the planning and the... well... coddling (I'm sure I spelled that wrong)

    I think we create a spirit of fear and timidity. Hmmm... how to make it stop?

    Thanks for the comment on my blog!!!

  4. I'm not sure if I'll be at the Iron Cupcake challenge tonight, but I wanted to wish you luck. Can't wait to hear about it! Thanks for all your comments on the blog - I really appreciate them! By the way - I love you nickname of Spackle Queen of the Midwest - too funny!
