Monday, August 25, 2008

Iron Cupcake Wine!!

Well, tonight was my very first participation in Iron Cupcake Milwaukee . And although I didn't place as high as I would have liked, I still had a great time.

The ingredient was wine and the competion was really steep. My entry was a Chocolate Cabby Cucpake. It was a chocolate cabernet cupcake with chocolate cheesecake frosting topped with a raspberry cabernet sauce. Yummo!
Chocolate Cabby Cupcake


  1. Those cupcakes with raspberries on the top look de-lish!

  2. Darn, just read this post. I was hoping it was an online thing sowe could vote.Your cupcake looked so delicious!! You should have won!! :-)

  3. Oh my goodness - those look so good.

  4. That looks like an amazing cupcake. So sorry you didn't win. In my book you should have.

  5. One of my co-workers snagged one of your cupcakes that was leftover from judging for me to try. It was fantastic! I loved the rich chocolate flavor! Can't wait to see what you bring to the next IC challenge.

  6. Were can we find the recipe! It is definitely a first place winner in my book!

  7. Anonymous: I am posting the recipe on Monday. So, stay tuned:-)
