Friday, August 15, 2008

Garden Love

Da, da, da, daaaa...Brought to you by Candid Carrie :

The first ripe tomato of the year!!!

I am so going to eat you. You, my dear, are going in a scrumptous salad with your cucumber neighbors.

Readers, look for Susie's Semi-Homemade Summer Garden Salad on Monday:-)


  1. Oooh, you should make a tomato cupcake!

  2. GO TOMATO'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GO GET RIPE, so all of us can pick!!


  3. thanks as always for stopping by Sue! I can't wait for my tomatoes to turn red/orange! I've got 4 green ones on there right now... and a bunch of little buds just waiting to grow into red ripe tomatoes!

  4. I am not a tomoate person unless it's in sauces or salsa but my daughter eats are neighbors right off the vine.

  5. Mmmm, I love tomatoes! Hubby can't stand them, but he likes ketchup, spaghetti sauce, marinara sauce, etc. He says its not the same thing as eating a raw tomato... I say he is weird.

  6. It looks huge! I would totally bake it in the oven, cut in half with olive oil and mozarella cheese on top!

  7. Send the salad right I'm hungry:-)

  8. We've been able to pick fresh tomatoes for just a few weeks now. LOVE fresh tomatoes!

  9. That tomato looks yummy!! Not as yummy as your dough balls --- which I need to order soon!!!

  10. Man, that looks GOOD! That lil guy is on my no no list to eat with my bad tummy...which probably makes him look even better to me! Enjoy your salad!!! :)

  11. Yummm ... I'm loving that tomato!!

    Sadly, our havn't been doing so well. I don't think they like the hot weather we've been having...

  12. I wish we could grow tomatos except the skunks eat them !

  13. Well Susie--
    You may stalk all you want--as long as you bring your comments and your chocolate with you :)!

    Love that Debbie set up Blog Around the World! I'm waiting for Saturday to see if I can't hit someone in every state :)!

    Best to you!

  14. OH! I just LOVE tomatoes!
    That looks jut PERFECT!

  15. I'm definitely going to try to go some veggies next year on my own. The tomatoes we get in the grocery store are so tasteless; it's so disappointing!
    Enjoy your veggies!!

  16. Ooooh! I'm sure it will be delicious!!

  17. Hi Susie! You are all signed up on Blog Around the World. Stop by daily to see what trips we are taking. Thanks for joining in on the fun!

    Oh and that tomato looks mighty yummy;)

  18. LOVE tomatoes! Can I come over for salad! hee, hee!

    Stop by my blog-I awarded you!
