Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Iron Cupcake!!

Well, I have kind of fallen off the planet since that 3-tiered cake. I missed my weekly recipe and my Tackle It Tuesday (my weekend tackled me) but this post will explain why.

I have entered a cupcake competition called Iron Cupcake!! It is like Food Network's Iron Chef but with cupcakes! Every month, they announce an ingredient and I have to come up with a cupcake using that item. I have been working all week on my entry and that's why I have been incognito.

This month's ingredient is Chili Pepper and I think I have a good one. I call it Fiery Devil Cupcake. It is a devil's food cupcake filled with dark chocolate chili ganache and topped with whipped spicy white chocolate ganache frosting. The chili pepper really compliments the dark chocolate and the white chocolate frosting balances well against the spicy chili.

I have a chance to win prizes from Cakespy, Jessie Steele Aprons, The Cupcake Courier and Taste of Home. So, please go to No One Puts Cupcake in a Corner and vote for me the first week in September:-) Don't worry...I'll remind you:-)


  1. I went over to vote for you...but couldn't figure out where to vote.


  2. Oops...I guess the voting doesn't start until the first week in September. Silly me:-(

    I updated the post to reflect that and I will post again to remind you to vote for me.

  3. Interesting to know.
