Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Garden This Weekend

With all the baking and entertaining and blogging and swimming I have been doing this summer, two things have fallen to the wayside: Cleaning and Gardening. This weekend, I tackled the garden.

I am almost embarrassed to show the before pictures but I feel it is cathartic to do so:-) Here is my vegetable garden before:

And here it is after:

Now, I feel better. Yeah me:-) And...here is the fruits of my labor (check out the alien looking carrots):

I am also going to start posting garden things on Thursday. I find that if I dedicate a specific day to a specific topic, I can plan my posts better. You have all ready met my vegetable garden. On Thursday, I will introduce you to my other gardens. See you then:-)


  1. Your garden looks beautiful. I just love to garden. We harvested 45 tomatoes yesterday with 40 that should be ready to pick today. It is so much fun!

  2. What a wonderful harvest. Nothing better than pulling your food out of the dirt, taking it in the kitchen & cooking up a tasty meal! Look forward to seeing more.

    Confessions of an Apron Queen

  3. I wish I had one and that if I did the deer wouldn't get in it!
    Very lovely!

  4. Wow, I had no idea the garden wasn't right in the before pic, but the after pic looks wonderful and really surprised me. I don't garden and really admire yours!

  5. Your garden is LOVELY! Don't you just LOVE eating stuff you grew yourself? Nothing tastes better!

    And just so you know---yeah, I think Bill Nye is pretty cute too. And I picture him being able to "save us" if we were ever in a dangerous situation---just like McGyver :)!

  6. Awesome! My garden hasn't fared as well this summer, sadly. Oh well...live and learn, right?

    Great tackle!

  7. Your garden looks great! You seem so busy I don't know how you get everything done!!!
