Monday, August 18, 2008

ICM:Vegan and/or Gluten Free

Two posts in one day? Well, I can't help it. I had too much fun tonight!

I went to my first Iron Cupcake Milwaukee and it was a total blast! I got to meet The Cupcake Queen ! She is the sweetest thing who makes the sweetest things!!

Iron Cupcake Milwaukee is just like Iron Cupcake Earth only it is here in Milwaukee. Same premise: they pick the ingredient, you bake and judges (anyone who wants to judge) decide the winner.

Tonight the ingredient was Vegan and/or Glutten Free. The winner was a Vegan Maple Walnut Cupcake made by an engineer from Marquette University. So, anyone can play and anyone can win.

I think I am totally going to play next week. The ingredient will be wine. Shut up!! My two favorite things: wine and cake:-)


  1. LOVED having you there! Great to meet ya! :-)

  2. Sounds like a good time!

    I found this website, and I thought you might get a kick out of it!

  3. It was great to meet you last night, Susie! I look forward to seeing you at more Iron Cupcake challenges!
