Saturday, August 9, 2008

My Second 3-Tiered Cake

Well, this is it. The cake that I have been working on all year. It is a yellow cake with homemade lemon curd filling and lemon buttercream frosting. It was the first time covering an entire cake in fondant and I think it turned out pretty well. Everyone really enjoyed the flavors. The consensus was that it was a lemon dessert that actually tasted like lemon:-)

So...what do you guys think? Do I have a future in the cake industry?


  1. WOW!!!! I love decorating cakes but I am afraid of fondant!!!

  2. That is gorgeous! I'm envious of your talents.
    Thanks for stopping by my bloggy home!

  3. I think you have agreat future in cakes. :))

  4. Wow! Once again I'm so impressed. I'm also drooling as lemon sounds so refreshing and yummy right about now. Keep them coming. Did it really take a year? OH MY!

  5. That cake looks delish! And I am a total lemon fiend. I know what you mean about finding a lemon cake that actually tastes likes lemon...and not just yellowy sugar.

  6. I love it and I like the color.

    I wish I could have a piece.

    Nice job!

    Definitely a future in cake banking and decorating.
