Monday, August 25, 2008

Welcome Blog Around the World Fans:-)

Well, I am just tickled pink to be featured on Blog Around the World today:-) Thanks Debbie for inviting me to the party:-)

Anyway, my name is Susie and this is Susie's Homemade blog. I am a SAHM of a 4 and a caretaker to my 66 year-old mother. My older daughter just started college so, there will be lots of tailgating to cook for:-) I am a foodie at heart and that's the gensis of this blog. I just wanted to write about the things that keep me sane in an otherwise crazy life. Those things are baking, cooking and gardening.

The baking thing has really taken off. It all started with a sun flower cake for my older daughter last year . Everyone loved it so much, I got 2 requests right away to make cakes. One was for my niece (which I stupidly forgot to photograph) and the a spider cake was for my nephew. Then, I took a leap of faith and made my sister-in-law's wedding cake . That was when I had an inkling that I might be good at this:-)

So, I started Susie's Homemade Etsy shop where I sell Cookie Dough Balls. These things are to die for. Cookie dough (minus the eggs so they are safe) rolled into balls and dipped in chocolate. To me, there is nothing wrong with that sentence:-) But now, I am getting requests to do cakes in the shop too and it is a dream come true! In addition, I have entered a cupcake competition and I am just having a blast. I am meeting new people (in person even) and I am starting to make some good money. All because I decided to follow my passion.

Now, I have a loooooooong way to go. However, I think this blogging thing has really given me the courage to stretch a little bit farther in this direction. Certaining farther than I ever would have on my own. So, I have to love the comment love. Keep it coming girls!! You are feeding the dream (pardon the pun:-)


  1. Stopping by from Missouri by way of BATW!

    Mmmmm...everything on your page looks so good! Now I'm hungry! :)

  2. Wow, momtrepreneur! How do you do it all??? Impressive!

  3. I'm so happy for you Susie and congrats for being featured on BATW. What a great way to get the word out on your new business. I think it's wonderful when people find a way to make a living from doing what they love. You've got it girl so get on out there and flaunt it! Can't wait to hear about your cupcake competition. Keep us posted.

  4. Congratulations on being spotlighted today!! Your baking sounds like its taking off!!
    Patti from Texas!

  5. Great post and delicious looking cakes!! I hope you get lots of visitors today!

  6. Hi Susie! I need to come back and check out your other son wants his morning cuddle right now. Enjoy your day!

    Take off that comment moderation so we can see all the loving just for today that is!

  7. Congrats on your BATW feature today. Have fun with it :)

  8. Hi Susie! You've got my mouth watering across the river here! Lots of yummy stuff. Have fun today!

  9. Hey there, Fellow Cheesehead! Do ya bake sandbakkels and make lefse at Christmas, too? Glad to meetcha!

  10. Yummy! I'm visiting from Blog Around the World...your creations look DELISH! :)

    (and the colors of your blog are really pretty too!)

  11. Wow! Those cakes are just amazing. And that is so cool that you sell chocolate through the etsy shop. They look to die for.

  12. Cookie dough dipped in chocolate - sounds delicious!

    I'm here from BATW from Virginia.

  13. can a blog be yummy?? I think yours is. Good luck to you as you continue to grow your business and take care of your family.

  14. The sunflower cake, gorgeous! Spider cake, super cool! (the link for the wedding cake didn't work for me) You are one talented momma! Super high fives to you. And what a blessing that you truly found something that you love to do and are having such a good time doing it. Keep up the beautiful and yummy work! I think I'd be busy eating everything! lol~

  15. Congrats on your feature! How wonderful that you are following your passions. I hope you experience continued success! I enjoy making cakes too, and it is really fun to see the look on someone's face when they know you have made something beautiful -- and delicious -- just for them!

  16. Hi Susie! Congrats on being featured today too! I'm also swamped but I love it. I just checked your profile and you're not that far from me. Hmmm, I may have to order a cake for my next party. I've never been good in the kitchen. If it weren't for my hubby I think my family would starve.

    Anyway, good for you for following your passion and best of luck with it! I'm working on possibly doing something with my photography and it's a great inspiration to see other moms starting their own business.

  17. Great job! Good luck with your baking! They all sound yummy!!!!

  18. Yaaaayyyy to see you that are featured on BATW !!!

    I was looking at today's blogs and thought, I know that one!!! :-)

    I'm off to visit that cupcake competion. Do we get to vote for you? If so, you have my vote :-)

  19. Everything on your blog looks so yummy--you definitely have a gift! I think it's wonderful you are having fun starting a business that is your passion!

  20. Greetings from Texas and BATW. Look at we have a new Mrs. Field's right here??

  21. Oh, YUM! Your suff looks delicious! I'm gonna have to try to make those cupcakes!

  22. "tickled pink" written on pink. Hehe. Thanks for the welcome!

  23. Thanks for hosting BATW today! Your etsy shop looks delicious!! I think I am gaining weight by just looking at it. YUM!! Enjoy your day!!

  24. good for you for following your passions! and the fact that you're excelling at them is even a bigger thrill for you (i'm sure). i think that we all need to just follow our passions and see where it takes us. (we would all be a lot happier too...)

    you'r cupcakes look divinely delicious...

  25. Hi from Alabama,
    I saw your comment on Stacey's blog (The Blessed Nest) and thought I'd come check you out.
    I love your blog, your cakes and cupcakes look wonderful.
    Baking is something me and my youngest daughter love doing together, its so fun. We always talk about when she gets older we'd love to open our very own bakery, not sure that will happen but we can dream...haha!
    Have a great day.

  26. Oh my goodness. Those look absolutely delicious! Is it time for dessert yet?

  27. Oh - and congrats on the BATW feature!!

  28. Surfing in from BATW. I love chocolate!! Your chocolate cookie dough balls look delicious, Susie. Craving one right now. Wish you all the best with your Esty shop.

  29. Wow, what a blog and what talent you have! Stopping by from Indiana, nice to 'meet' you :)

  30. I think I just gained 20lbs just LOOKING at those delicious treats!!!!

  31. Stopping in from BATW!! Great blog--now I want a cupcake!! Can you mail me one? Off to pay a visit to your etsy shop.

  32. Look at you, all famous and stuff!

    And to think, I knew you way back when... like way back last month...

  33. Coming your way via California on my BATW tour.

    What could be better than chocolate chip cookie dough covered in chocolate? Fantastic idea!

  34. Cookie dough balls dipped in chocolate... sounds like Heaven to me!!!

  35. Susie, you have to start posting some yummies that are at least low fat or I, as well as many others, will gain 10 pounds every time we stop by. The pictures put weight on me:} Great blog and wonderful cakes. Have fun today, your day to SHINE!!!!

  36. Mmmm...looks so delicious! I'm stopping by from New Mexico and BATW. I've been wanting to start my own cookie business but have no idea how to even get started!

  37. I am really glad you were featured and it is so fun reading about your passion. I am going to go look at your shop... too bad I live in europe, or I would buy your choc. covered dough balls... yum!!!

  38. That's so great that you are following your passion, and making money from it! How inspirational!

  39. Congratulations on your new business adventure and your feature on BATW. I'm sure you will be blessed with much success. Also loved looking at the flowers in your garden pictures. Very pretty.
    Joy in Texas

  40. Hey...Illinois here...Great photos...I love food blogs...I love

  41. Those cakes are fabulous! Congrats on your success!

  42. What a wonderful idea! So... do those cookie dough balls ship well? I'm dying to try one!

    I'm so glad for you and your success.

  43. Stopping by from Louisiana. Love your site and store. I got into baking last year now everyone wants cakes. It is so much fun --somethimes.

  44. Your new venture sounds so exciting! It also inspires me to push my fears aside a try a little baking. The sunflower cake is so neat and sounds yummy. No wonder you got requests right away!You are amazing!

    BTW, coming thru via Colorado & BATW!!

  45. Hope you're having a blast on your BATW day :)

  46. Hey Susie! Just wanted to stop by and say glad I found your blog! :-)

    The Lettered Cottage

  47. One look around your blog and my mouth is watering and I haven't had dinner! Chocolate sounds really, really good for dinner. (Don't think my husband would appreciate that.) You have a wonderful site. Now I'm going to check you out on Etsy (I have a small shop on Etsy also.)

  48. You know I am a are very creative and I'm sure the products tastes absolutely fabulous!!! I'm jealous of the tailgaiters!!!

  49. Stopping by through BATW....your blog makes me want to bake. Love it all!!!

  50. Wow - I love your cakes. I couldn't see the wedding cake because the link didn't work for me. But I think I will be ordering your candies they sound delish.

  51. Wow! What an awesome person you are! Ms. Oklahoma sorry I'm so late...can't wait to read more. You are IMPRESSIVE! I'm gonna check out your shop :) Nice to meet ya!

  52. Stopping by to say hi from Arkansas by way of BATW :)

  53. Stopping by from BATW. Your creations are totally adorable. I love the spider cake and the spikes on the sunflower cake. How creative!!!

  54. Stopped by before - am here again, thanks to my little "trip" with BATW! Lemme just say - you are one of my IDOLS!!! Oh how I would love to be a SAHM and cook, bake, do little projects, and take care of my kiddies! But alas, I am a SWM (Single WOrking Mom!) haha.

    Thanks for the visit!

  55. WOW!! you got talent girl!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday.

    i hope you are enjoying your BATW day.

    I'm off to check out your ETSY store.

  56. wow! great blog! Love all of the cakes & cupcakes! Can i just tell you that you are like one of my new IDOLS??? I wish I could be a SAHM and bake - one of my passions in life. For right now, though I have to be a SWM (Single Working Mom). Ugh! maybe one prince will come...[singing]....and i'll get to be a SAHM too.....
    Congrats on showingcasing your state and your blog on BATW!!!

  57. Hey, Happy day to you. I am so not a foodie. I cook because I am hungry. Maybe I could learn a thing ot two....

  58. It's so fun to meet fellow Wisconsin residents! Hiya Cheesehead!

  59. Wow! That is great. How neat that you are making money doing something you love!!

    Sorry I'm so late for your BATW day. It's been a busy week here...just now stopping by to say hey.

  60. Visiting from BATW! Nice to meet you!
