Thursday, September 25, 2008

And a Partridge in a…

This is my pear tree in our backyard. This year, we had so many pears, the branches were bending under the weight of the fruit. Here are a couple of these beauties:

Aren’t they gorgeous? I love to poach them in wine but my mother-in-law uses them in apple pies! I have tried them and you can not tell the difference.


  1. You are so lucky. I would love to have a pear tree in my yard. My kids love dried pears.

  2. mmm! I love pears! I am soooo jealous!

  3. Those pears look awesome!

    I would have never thought to just pull one off and stick in my wine. I'm getting a pear tree!!! ;)

  4. I love fresh fruit in a yard. So jealous!!!

    Thanks for coming by on the layover at BATW.

  5. Those look so yummy. Pictures of the end results later??

  6. Oh I would love to have a pear tree--how cool!

  7. Yum. We have some pear trees and I need to do something with the fruit.

  8. Oh, how lovely! *sigh* Makes me a little sad though. I used to have 7 different fruit trees in my backyard (one of the reasons I bought the house) and then Katrina hit. I only have a fig tree left and she's holding on with dear life!

  9. I've always wanted a back yard big enough to have a few fruit trees. I'm so jealous! And I never thought of using pears instead of apples in apple pie- we have a friend with a pear tree and get lots during the summer. I'll have to give this a try next year.

  10. I am in love with pears this year!!! Did you see the Fresh Pear Cobbler recipe I post on Good Stuff Maynard?

  11. I tried a pear pie for the first time this summer. I even posted about it under Pear Fair. YUMMY! I am envious of your tree. I'll have to go back and see if the farms have any left here.
