Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Organizing the Breezeway Closet

This weekend, I tackled our breezeway closet. This is closet is required to hold anything from pool toys to flower pots to winter boots. With all those requirements, this space can easily become this:

After an hour…ta da….

Go see what other people are tackling at 5 Minutes for Mom .


  1. Great job, especially in just an hour. Isn't it amazing what you can accomplish when you put your mind to it!

  2. Looks great - when things look that good you work hard to keep them that way.

  3. There are so many people clearing out closets today, there must be something in the weather, and I am having serious closet envy! We don't have any in this house.

  4. WOW!! who makes a closet look like a gift table? that's amazing.. come do that at my house too!!!

  5. Good for you. I totally have a closet that needs to be tackled.

  6. I need to organize my closet too, great job

  7. What ARE those wire things?? We don't have a hall closet. It is a pain - I mean, where are we supposed to put all that stuff? It ends up hanging in the laundry room. But I'd love a door to put it behind. So that it can get crazy.

  8. It's always such a relief to get things cleaned up and organized. Looks great :)

  9. Wow. What a good job. It's always good to have things organized. It often makes life easire. Great tackle. This week I tackled laundry. I do hope that you will stop by to checki it out. Have a blessed day.

  10. Can you please come tackle MY closets? I have about three that we stuff anything and everything into.

  11. In an hour? You are SuperSusie! ;) Great job!

  12. That looks so nice. Was that a stereo in the bottom?

  13. Great job! It looks wonderful! I need to tackle my own closet soon.

    Have a great day!

  14. great tackle and great job!!! woohooo! love it!

  15. hey - I know you have a lot going on but, have you ever made granola? have any tips?

  16. Looks great! Doesn't it feel great to accomplish something like that??

  17. That's why digital cameras are so nice! It's wonderful to be able to see your before and after results instantaneously! :)

    Great tackle!

  18. Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday...100 things and being saucy was a lot of fun!!

    Oh and I love a good food blog...so I'll be back!!

  19. Good job! It's almost like I can breathe better when things are straightened up. I even like to walk past organized places in my house and sneak peaks- it puts a smile on my face!

  20. wow! good job! please tell me it took longer than 5 minutes to accomplish!!!

  21. It looks great!

    I am such a sucker for organizing projects. I will fully admit I get a big thrill out of them.

    A great big nerdy-geeky-Type-A thrill!

  22. Big improvement! Good job!

  23. Wow, awesome tackle, and in under an hour! Amazing!

  24. Beautiful! I have a closet (or two) like that (even worse!). You have inspired me to tackle it! I think it will take me more than an hour though!!

  25. Great tackle! It looks so organized now.

  26. Very nicely done. I have a couple of those closets in my house.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  27. Nice tackle. I need to get back on the Tackle it Tuesday schedule. It helps me to get things done.

  28. Why does one get such satisfaction from organizing a closet or drawer? Only to have to repeat the task many many many times? I love it when I organize the junk drawer... but inevitably it gets junked up again!

    I've got a few closets like this I need to tackle... when can you come over?

    I'm serious.

  29. Hey! That looks really neat! Great job! I second ukzoe I don't have such nice closet here too.

  30. WOW! GREAT tackle!!

  31. Hi Susie,

    Thanks for dropping by my blog.

    I just want to clarify what do you mean just because your sis-in-law she is strong...?

    You know what,just because an autistic child is non-verbal it is severe. There is more to it than being verbal honestly. You just gave me a great idea to blog about in my other blog, Earthly Explorations

    If you the sister-in-law feels frustrated about your nephews condition, what more your sister-in-law since its her son?

    I don't know fully the situation in the family and I would also go crazy when my child is labeled. I have another blog that this that deals with autism maybe you should read some and let her do to. She needs all support she can get.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope to see more of you too.

  32. Wow, nice! I've never been one ot have a messy closet, but messy desktop/drawers? Sometimes. I also like the colors of your blog!

    Thanks for stopping by and visiting me as a part of BATW!

  33. It's like we have the same closet! Only mine does not have shelves, so it's one big pile that will fall on you if you are not careful. LOL I am sure I will do that as a tackle one week coming up. Your clost looks great!!

  34. Hi Susie,

    Sorry, I think I misunderstood you. Best way though you know is for your sis-in-law to find a support group of parents having the same situation.

  35. Man, that was quick! It looks great. I am totally impressed.

  36. Just came back to let you know my daughter LOVED the HSM video of her and Troy! The kid eats/breathes/sleeps all things HSM. We will be at the theater to see HSM3 when it opens next month... she can hardly wait.

  37. Wow! Look at that closet and all that comment love. You're a popular lady. Talk to you soon I'm outa here for a few days.

  38. Great job! Would you like to tackle my closets, too? LOL
