Wednesday, September 17, 2008

More Kudos for Me:-)

Some of my fellow bloggers felt compelled to share an award with me this week. Isn't that nice?

Can't Hardly Wait gave me this nice award:

It is Portuguese for "This Blog invests and believes... the proximity." I think it supposed to translate to "This blog brings us closer":-) That's a nice thought:-)

I also got this beauty from Jill Scott at Controlling My Chaos :

Now, I get to pass on the love. Let's see...

1. Thotlady : I like her. She does just what her name says...makes me think:-)

2. Buried with Children : Even though she is literally buried in children, she still finds time to share her life with us and even write a comment or two:-)

3. Miss Hollywood : I just met her this week at Iron Cupcake: Milwaukee and she is a big sweetheart!!

4. Mamasphere : She is also a new friend that found me online:-) She is a sweetie too:-)

5. Zander and Me : Got to love Z's Mom:-)

So everybody, go out and give these gals a visit. Tell them Susie sent you:-)


  1. Thank you!!

    I've got an award post coming up soon- I'll be sure to add this one to it!

  2. Congrats on your award.
    Thank you for stopping by on my special day.

    By the way your blog makes me really hungry!!!

  3. congrats! I am such a slacker and forget to thank the givers. And especially forget to pass on the love. I had a bunch "saved up" (yeah, that's what I was doing, saving, not slacking) -doled out the thank yous and totally forgot to pass them on until someone commented that they had never received an award. Crud...

  4. Ya for you and your crew!
    I was thinking of you today, I think you would get a kick out of this blog, I seriously laughed for an hour!!

  5. Susie, you are so sweet not one but 2 awards. I am shocked and so thankful. You are making me blush. Thanks again.

  6. Hey, Susie, congrats on your well deserved awards!!!!

    Thanks for passing them to are soooo sweet! Much appreciated! :)

  7. Thanks for visiting Idaho today. I can't remember if I've commented on you blog before, but I have definitly looked. I just can't get over your amazing cupcakes!

  8. Congratulations sweetie! You deserve it.

  9. Susie... Bless your heart! You made my day! Thank you so much for the award. Also, your salsa sounds so good my mouth is watering and now i cant stop thinking about chips and salsa!
