Thursday, September 18, 2008

Saving the Season

It's canning season!! I have nurtured these babies from seed to mature bountiful plants. Now, the fruits of my labor is paying off into great things like Susie's Homemade Salsa:-) Yummo:-)

I don't really trust the canning process. I am too scared of botulism. Instead, I can them up and freeze them (that's why the picture is funny...I took it after freezing it...duh). It's another labor of love.

First, the tomatoes. I seed them and then, carefully take the seeds and rinse them off. It takes a while to do this because there is a little membrane that has to come off. Once they are dried, I wrap them in a paper towel and put that into a labeled food storage bag. Into the frig they go until next season. Viola!! Instant heirloom tomatoes. Ok...not instant but it's pretty cool. I never have to buy tomato seeds again!

Next, I make the salsa. I boil the tomatoes and then add Susie's Homegrown green peppers, hot peppers, onion, garlic and parsley. Then, in goes the vineager, sugar, salt and pepper. I bring it to a boil again and then dip the pot into an ice bath. This helps to bring the temperature down. Then, I ladle the completed salsa into sterilized 1/2 pint jars (leaving a 1/2 inch headspace), label and then freeze.

I got to tell you, it feels great to have my own homemade salsa to munch on during the Super Bowl:-) Nothing quite like it:-)


  1. yummo is right! Cant wait to try. you got my mouth watering...

  2. Can you see how green with envy I am... I WANT HOMEMADE SALSA!!!

  3. I bet it is so good. Love some good 'ole salsa and chips :D

  4. I am finally feeling the urge to do some canning, and I too am scared of botulism. I bought a book about canning and it's freaking me out so I might chicken out.

  5. I tell you I learn a lot from you. You are the true definition of a Betty Homemaker. I am envious beyond words. Thanks for your sweet comments on today's post.

  6. I ♥ fresh salsa!

    Got your comment on the Wisconsin Blogger's blog - if you'd be willing to write a post or two about food/recipes that'd be awesome! Email me!

  7. I wish I knew how to can. Since I don't, I use the freezer for tons of stuff, too.

    I've always made my homemade salsa cold. I never thought about cooking it! The flavors must be amazing.

  8. I would love to learn how to can. And do things like garden and sew. So, you know when the world comes to an end I can be self sufficient :-)

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog today on the BATW flight to New Zealand. I'm an occasionallurker on your blog - I'm in awe of your home making skills!

  10. This sounds sooo good! I'm jealous, all I have is Old ElPaso :P

  11. Ohhhh I love salsa!! Thanks for commenting on my blog yesterday!

  12. I have only done the full on boil the jars kind of canning once, for apple butter. It was fun, but the whole "is it safe" thing still makes me uneasy.

    It is a skill I really do want to perfect.

  13. Homemade salsa.....yummy! I'm sure it is so good!I never thought of making salsa with my tomatos. I will have to try it next year!
