Friday, October 3, 2008

Grandma’s Homemade Pecan-Filled Butterhorns with Sugar Glaze

My faithful readers remember that I had a dinner party with a French Menu this weekend. As part of this menu, I served my Grandma's Butterhorns for dessert. This was in honor of my uncle and he was touched by the gesture and he even said that they were pretty close to his mother's. So, without further ado, may I present:

Grandma’s Homemade Pecan-Filled Butterhorns with Sugar Glaze

4 cups flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 cake fresh yeast
1-1/4 cups butter
3 egg yolks
1 cup sour cream
1 tsp vanilla
Powdered sugar for dusting the board
3 egg whites
1 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1-3/4 cup pecans, finely chopped

1 tbsp milk
2 cups powdered sugar
pink food coloring

1. In a large bowl, mix flour and salt. Cut in butter until it looks like cornmeal. In a small bowl, mix egg yolks, sour cream and vanilla. Add to flour mixture. Shape into 5 balls and chill at least an hour but overnight is better. Do Not Freeze This Dough!!

2. For the filling, beat egg whites in a small bowl. Gradually add sugar while constantly beating. Fold in pecans and vanilla.
3. Rollout each ball in powdered sugar. Cut into wedges (about 12 from each ball). Place 1 teaspoon of the filling on each wedge. Roll from the widest end. Bend each roll in the center to form a horn.

4. Bake 15 mintues in a 375 degree oven. Drizzle with glaze while warm.
Makes 5 dozen


  1. Looks yummy!

    I tagged you today.. come check it out!

  2. This totally reminded me of my grandmother and all the sweet breads she would make. It looks so yummy!

  3. Wow...those look great! Everytime I come visit your blog you make me so hungry.:)

  4. Hellerrrr Brookfield! I was just driving through the other day ... well technically I was there twice this week. One doctor appointment and one trip to toys r us.
    Are you studying to be a chef cuz darn those look good!
    Thanks for visiting my blog today & have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Mmmmmmmmmm, sounds so divine. I am sure this is one that would go straight to the hips. ;)

  6. I think I'd rather eat it than see a picture of it! Pictures of food just make me hungry...

    Thanks for stopping by on my SITS day! It was lovely!

  7. There you go again making me all dawgone hungry for your cooking. Looks so sinfully good.

  8. Um, yum. I really think you should be my family's personal chef. Yes, I believe that is your life calling;)

  9. Okay I think I gain 2 lbs just reading the recipe. THanks...Did I mention I am on a diet.

    Only 8 day til Mom's wedding YEAH

  10. Mmmmm! Those sound very tasty--I've never heard of or tried those before!!

  11. That sounds DIVINE! Thanks so much for posting the recipe, I may have to try that this weekend!

  12. You were sooo right!! I need to visit your blog more! What great recipes! Staci here...from Oklahoma and I am so sorry for JUST getting around to respreading the love from my day in the BATW spotlight! What a fun day! I'm gonna have to come back and read some more but for now..gotta go tell everyone thanks for making my day so special :) Have a great weekend !!!!!!!!

  13. never knew "butterhorns" could look so yummy. sounds good to me! what time shall I be over???

  14. These look AMAZING! Yum, yum!

  15. That looks delicious! Thanks for the recipe!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

  16. That does look so yummy, sweet! I can almost smell it baking!

    I might have to try my hand at this one - my oven is back in commission after taking the hot summer off.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  17. Those look and sound so good and I love the plates. :)

  18. Friday's blogpost I most look forward too. And finally something I could possible make too. I am a terrible cook!

  19. Looks yummy! Now I am sooo hungry :).

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, I will definitely be back here to visit!

  20. OH MY! My mouth is watering.....
    That looks & sounds just INCREDIBLE! YUM!

  21. mmmhh...yummy post!
    Thanks for sharing....

  22. Looks so good! Thanks for sharing -- Much Love


  23. Looks delicious! Thank you so much for always sharing recipes! This is one I'll DEFINITELY have to try out! Have a great weekend!

  24. Man that looked yummo! Wanna make us some and email it?!

  25. Oh my, oh my !!!

    Those look so good. I'm thinking I might just have to give those a go!!!

  26. Omyyyy this is one scrumptious place to visit. So glad you came by and said your blog...I am gonna go peruse the recipes....cherry:0)

  27. I have never heard of a butterhorn before. This is new to me. Wow.

  28. Oh my. Pecans are my favorite.
    If I wasn't dieting right at the moment, I'd go right out and buy all the ingredients and make those.
    They look divine!

  29. Mmmmm... looks yummy! And pretty, too!

  30. These sound so good! Thanks for linking up. And homemade chocolates - yum - I'll be back to check those out! :)

  31. Pink! Too perfect! Lovin' your blog and bookmarking your Etsy! YUMMY blog! :)

  32. Mmmmm looks delish, I'll have to make it next time I have a sweet tooth!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today and congrats on being saucy!


  33. Oh my gosh! That looks amazing!!

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Yours is great!!
