Thursday, October 23, 2008

Garden List

I had a request to post about my indoor garden and of course, I am happy to oblige my readers:-)

So, the first step to any garden is to make a plan and for me, that was taking an inventory of my seeds. Here is what I have:

Iceberg Lettuce
Green and Red Lettuce
Flat-leaf Parsley
Romaine Lettuce

And here is what I want:


You will notice there is a lot of lettuce. That's on purpose. Lettuce is the easiest thing to grow. If you are at all shy about indoor gardening, start there. It will sprout in 3 days and give you immediate satisfaction for your work:-)

Anyway, that's 10. I can do 10, right? I had better go measure:-)


  1. Just found you through a random blog-trip through the net ... excited to see the upcoming posts in the gardening series!!

  2. That is so neat. I wish I could keep something alive but I have a brown thumb! My mums are some sad looking flowers right now. LOL

    I would have never guessed lettuce to be so easy. Maybe I will try that! Maybe...

  3. I would love to have a garden indoors this year i just don't have any great windows to put them! UGH!

    stop by and check out my fall giveaway!

  4. How do you get them to grow? My issue is how to be sure they get enough sun and keeping my daughter out of them.

  5. I'm way impressed by the lavender. My mom has a tiny obsession with it, and every time I have tried to grow it - zip.

    Rosemary has been pretty easy the few times I have tried it, and it smells wonderful.

    I need to go scout for appropriate indoor garden locations now!

  6. Thanks for visiting me on my BATW day. GL on your garden. I think it is so rewarding to watch something you have planted grow :)

  7. Where do you grow your indoor garden? My biggest worries are: a. not getting enough sun, and b. my cats eating the plants before I do.

  8. I think my cats would kill anything I tried to grow indoors.....

    Ok, now I'm missing your camera too!!!

  9. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog today! I love BATW!

  10. Great garden. My daughter grew Rosemary this was more difficult then she thought.

  11. I like all your choices! It's going to be great and I can't wait to see the pics!!

  12. Never tried an indoor garden...but I'm intrigued! I've always wanted to grow my own fresh herbs. I'll be looking forward to these posts!

  13. Very cool idea. I will be back. cherry

  14. An indoor garden would be so nice - but I can't keep Frog from digging up my house plants! I'll just have to live vicariously through your garden :0)

    I've tagged you over at 4-frogs. Come by to see if you would like to play!

  15. Lettuce is easy to grow, huh?! hmm...maybe I should start there.

  16. Where do you keep this indoor garden? your garage, sunroom? I am a garden novice.

  17. Thanks for this. Now we want pics once you get everything planted. I'm curious to know where you set it up.

  18. wow--i may have to look into starting something like this. i have basil now, but that is it. good food for thought:)
