Monday, October 6, 2008

Reese's Peanutbutter Cereal Cupcakes

I competed in the Iron Cupcake: Milwaukee bake-off. The last time I finished fourth but this time, the theme was Cereal. The idea was to create a cupcake that featured your favorite breakfast cereal. So, I worked the weekend and I think I found it.

May I present:

Reese's Peanut Butter Cereal Cupcake

Reese's Peanutbutter Cereal Cupcakes

These chocolate cereal bowls are peanutbutter cupcakes filled with white chocolate "milk" for the Reese's Peanutbutter Cereal.

Oh, by the way....

I won!!! Check it out:

So, can I Tempt Your Tummy this Tuesday ?


  1. Congratulations on yet another win. So this Iron Cupcake, is this like a Cupcake Triathalon? :)

  2. Yeah! Who doesn't love the combo of chocolate and peanutbutter. YUMMO! Did you use peanutbutter cereal as the decoration on top. Not sure but wanted to clarify. How creative that you used white chocolate filling as the milk. You rock once again. Congratulations on winning. Did you get a check or anything?

  3. Yay! Congratulations!

    Those look so good. My husband has an unnatural obsession with all things peanut butter, so this realy caught my eye.

    Go you!

  4. Oh my lord!!! This blows me away!
    Thanks for sharing and being part of Tempt my Tummy Tuesday.

  5. Oh, I am so excited that you joined us for Tempt My Tummy Tuesday. I really enjoyed your blog, earlier today. So, this is great. Congrats on winning. I want that recipe, but I understand you wanting to hold on the the winning recipe.

  6. Congratulations!

    Thanks for sharing!


  7. My tummy is totally tempted!!! Love it! Pass some over here, please! ;-)


  8. Good for you! The cupcakes look really good. I may have to give those a try. :-)

  9. did I hear someone say "free samples"??? lol! congrats on the win! These look DIVINE!!!

  10. Good Job Susie!!! You rocked the challenge!

  11. OH Susie that is awesome. Congrats!!!! That is a very awesome cupcake.

  12. Congratulations! It looks scrumptious! :D

    Have a great day!

  13. You won!!! Congrats! Your cupcake looks beyond amazing! Hopefully I'll see you on the 20th for Science Project Cupcakes!

  14. That looks absolutely scrumptious! Congrats on your win :D

  15. Wow very cool...Congrats on winning!!
    Looks very I must go grab something sweet to eat! :)

  16. How AWESOME!! Congratulations on the win and that is a great looking cupcake!!

  17. Oh my these looks sooo yummy!!!

  18. Congrats on your win!!!

    And wow, what a morning cupcake!

  19. Congrats on being saucy...your site is great!

  20. Congrats! So you're mailing one to each of us, right?

  21. YAA!!! Samples all around!! (did it work? )
    That's super awesome! great job!

  22. Ugh! i cant say enough about how delicious your cupcakes were! Fabulous job!!

  23. Congratulations! It looks delicious!

  24. Hey there. I am new to TMTT so I wanted to say hello. These look outrageous!! Congrats on your win.

  25. You are so creative! That was awesome and congratulations on winning!

  26. Congrats! That is adorable! Haha - sooo creative. Glad you liked the quote, it's bringing me a lot of peace right now.

  27. Congratulations!!!! That looks yummy!!!! :)

  28. ugh, if i wasn't on a diet, i would so eat that cupcake off of my screen.

  29. A Reese's Peanut Butter Cupcake would definitely win in my book. Congratulations!

  30. Wow, that looks delish. I find myself licking my lips as I sit here... and my tummy just started grumbling. Congrats on your win!!

  31. Hey congratulations!! What a fun challenge and a great idea you came up with! Sounds delicious!!

  32. Congratulations and it looks so yummy!!!

    I think that being able to decorate your cakes and cupcakes is a craft! That is something that I can't do and I respect you for your craftiness! :) :)

    I came over from the conversation on The Organizing Junkie but I have been here before, too! :) I think you have such talent!!!!

  33. Congrats!! That is so cool! I cannot imagine eating that for breakfast. ;-) When I was little, we never had sugared cereal, so I never got used to it. But what we did have every once in a while was Captain Crunch - the peanut butter balls kind. I can't even remember what it was called. Now, that I remember fondly!

  34. That is so fantastic! Congratulations! And so clever and cute - I love it!

  35. Congratulations!

    The peanut butter cupcake thing looks scrumptious.

    I love peanut butter and chocolate together.

  36. Oh my gosh! Congrats!! We are going to have to set up some sort of exchange, where you send me your delicious cupcakes on a regular basis, and I send you lovely thank you notes for it all. You have no idea how badly I want to try your latest invention!

  37. Thank you for linking this up! I still think it's just so clever and really yummy looking!

  38. Congratulations! I've seen some of the other things you've mentioned that you've entered and done, and I'm consistently impressed! I'd love to someday watch one of these competitions live (vs on tv). I may have to look up the next Milwaukee one... not too far!

  39. Congratlations!! I think that's my favorite cereal as well. Yummmmmmm
