Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Christmas Card

So, did I grown my own Christmas Card?


  1. All you need to do is wrap a blanket around the botton and hang 3 or 4 bulbs on it.

    Then step back, Charlie Brown and sing!

    Loo-loo-loo, loo-loo-loo-loo-loo!

  2. wow! that is beautiful! oh how i miss scenes like those in my own backyard. beautiful beautiful picture!

  3. Awww... I really like snow, except at my house...

  4. So pretty. I never see sights like that. We've even had 86 degrees on Christmas day. It's a southern dream to have a white Christmas.

  5. oooooo.... so pretty!

    I miss snow like this... my kids will probably never see it like this. We've only had snow here in TN twice since I've had kids and both times it was just a dusting.

  6. So pretty. I can feel Christmas looking at the picture.

  7. It needs from plaid.


  8. Beautiful! I hope that was from last year! (you don't already have snow do you?)
    Thanks for sharing the bloggy love today on my big SITS day!

  9. Yes! I love the snow & I hate it. It think it's the peace after it's falling that I love so much. It doesn't matter where you live, if you go outside after a decent snowfall - it's silent. Absolutely silent (or really, really quiet).

    You are making me long for Winter. That's not good...yet!

    Thanks for your kind words today. A lot of it made more sense to me after reading what you said.

  10. You TOTALLY grew your own Christmas card...I'd snatch it up for my own, but that would be stealing...we know how I feel about that now don't we?!?! lol

    Thanks for the comment on my confessions post. ;-)

    GORGEOUS photo...totally use it for the cards!


  11. I agree with oh2122, put the blanket at the bottom and hang a couple ornaments! You've got yourself a great Christmas card pic!

  12. What a fab pic - this is still to come!

    Happy WW

  13. Tell me that picture was taken last year and that snow is not already on its way ... OMGoodness, I need a new jacket!!

    Make it a great day!

  14. I don't know about the Christmas tree, but this would definitely make a great holiday card picture...beautiful!

  15. Beautiful!!! Sure does make me miss the snow :(

  16. Wow, is there really snow by you right now??!? It's a gorgeous pic. I'm so not ready for snow yet... not till Christmas.

  17. When was that? So beautiful! I'm not quite ready for winter yet...

  18. Beautiful Picture! looks like winter.

    happy WW!

  19. Boy, I sure hope you were ready for this. Our weather has been gorgeous, which is odd, and it is just now starting to turn fall-like. This could be me next week. It is beautiful.

  20. How pretty! I just love to look at snow.

  21. So peaceful and serene looking. Perfect Christmas card photo.

    Thanks for stopping by my WW.

  22. yes, yes you did!!!!!!!

    happy SITS week.

  23. i love that it's a dark day and the snow brightens the whole picture. lovely!

  24. Yes you did and I am printing that off and stealing it for my cards this year . . . hope you don't mind!

  25. I love watching snow fall and outside, but don't like cold. LOL! Great pic!

    Happy WW!

  26. Being from Sunny, FL...we don't have alot of these snowy photos. You captured a great photo.

    Thanks for your WW visit and comment. Make it a great day!

  27. Sure looks like you did! Hard to imagine Christmas already though. :~D

  28. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Oh my gosh..I LOVE YOUR CUPCAKE on your Tackle Post too!!!! I'm going to bookmark your blog!! Have a blessed day!! Alicia

  29. Are you ready for winter?

    I know it's crazy, but I miss the Wisconsin winters. Here in Virginia, the winters are usually very, very mild.

  30. I hope we have more of those in NYC this year. For the past few years snow has been hiding on us! I hope we get blasted with snow!!!

    Beautiful photo.

  31. Everything is going to look like this again soon enough, right?! At least I'm assuming this is an older picture---don't tell me you really have SNOW already :)!

    Thanks for the nice comment on my blog. I think it looks like you are having some smashing success over here! I've only been blogging a year, and frankly have to treat it like "a job" at times to be able to build up a readership---but I truly love it too, and right now I need something like this in my life to break up the dulldroms. If I could offer any advice, it would be that you get a custom blog design. It'll set you back less than a hundred dollars, but really stand out. YOU are an original and deserve a page that looks like one :)! (but feel free to completely ignore that advice and I'll still love ya :)! )

  32. Oh I pray we don't get as much snow as last year ... I hope I didn't jinx us.

  33. That is just gorgeous. I am in Atlanta and we NEVER get to see beautiful snowy scenes! The day is perfect - gray, dark, cold - perfect for staying inside, drinking coffee, and looking out the window.

  34. Do you have snow already??! Beautiful picture-I always look forward to the snow (usually).

  35. Yes you did!!! Thanks for visiting my blog on the BATW tour. Hope you come back soon!

  36. You sure did! It's beautifully peaceful looking :)

  37. Snow! I'm really looking forward to our first snow! Thanks for visiting Borrowed Freedom.

  38. That picture is perfect! Stephanie

  39. Beautiful! Perfect for a Christmas card.

    Thank you for stopping by on Wednesday! WE go through several batteries for flashlights now days. Although I must say for only being three years old, he does a good job at turning off the flashlight before falling asleep. It's the time where the sheep get to him before he gets to the flashlight that wear out the batteries!

  40. Beautiful! When did you take this?

    Happy WW!

  41. Simply lovely!! Makes me almost miss the snow.

  42. That would make an excellent Christmas card! Beautiful sight!

  43. That just made me cold.... I hate winter! Very pretty picture but you can keep the snow.

  44. Yes, yes you did. Congratulations!

    Beautiful picture :0)

  45. Too pretty and yes you did. I am envious once more.

  46. I should say so! Happy WW and thanks for stopping by my blog.

  47. Great photo! Even though there is "dirty s word" (snow) in it!
