Thursday, January 8, 2009

Gardening Thursday

It has been a really long time since I showed you my indoor garden so, take a look:

It looks a lot better than last time , doesn't it:-)

Here's the Romaine Lettuce:

And the Basil and Parsley:

And this is the harvest!!

Salad for dinner tonight!! And the herbs will last for weeks in a paper towel and ziplock bag!! I think I am getting the hang of this indoor stuff. But don't worry, I am still planning my outdoor garden so, stay tuned for that:-)


  1. What kind of salad are you making? Gonna share that? ;)

  2. Great job! They look so healthy. Enjoy eating them.

  3. They're beautiful! Can you explain about the paper bag and the ziploc bag? Is it the ziploc inside the paper bag? Dark place? Fridge? I've got a garden too, but the rosemary is rampant and I can't use it fast enough! Thanks.

  4. Those look awesome. I wish I had a green thumb.

  5. YUMMY! Thanks for the update. My eyes are again green with envy!

  6. that is making me long for summer and lovely fresh veggies.

  7. Your garden looks amazing! I'm so jealous. I have two small basil plants in my kitchen window sill and they just look sickly and tired. Is your grow light the secret?

  8. I really need to get something like this going. You have an answer for everything! Oh, and Happy Blogoversary, too!

  9. Hi I just stumbled on your blog and would very much want to learn how you did your indoor garden. Can you give me the link when you first started blogging about it? or any reference perhaps? thank you

  10. I am so in awe of people that can grow their own food. I want a square foot garden. I wonder if I can get my husband to build it for me...and then I wonder if I'll keep up with it!

  11. To answer your questions:

    1. Therese: I think I will make my Leafy Greens with Apples and Dijon Mustard Vinaigrette

    2. Christine: You wrap the herbs in paper towel and then put them in a zip bag. For easy finding, mark the type of herb and the date on the outside of the bag. In the frig, they will last for several weeks.

  12. Looks great! Such a good idea - anything fresh and homegrown sounds great right now!
