Monday, January 5, 2009

At Work, At Play or At Home All Day

Sorry recipe today. I probably should have a trumpet coming out of my behind with all the announcing that I am doing lately but, I have even more great news to tell you!

Today, four of my friends and I started a new blog about women. It's called At Work, At Play or At Home All Day . Our tagline is A Blog For and About Women and that's exactly what it is. We have known each other for a long time but we couldn't be more different. It is in those differences we explore what it is to be a woman in this day and age and all that entails. I am going to be over there once a week so, I hope you can stop by and give it a look:-)


  1. As if you didn't have enough to do, Girlfriend!

  2. Oh, awesome! I'm going to check out your new venture!!

  3. How exciting, Susie!!

    I will check it out!

  4. Sounds like a lot of fun. I'll check it out.

  5. i am heading over to check it out now. way to go!

    oh - and the new background! it's so you!

  6. hahahaha....a trumpet coming out of your behind...that would be something different,huh? :)

    Congrats on the new sounds very cool!

  7. What a great idea. Could this be an alternative to SITS? Just wondering...I'm going to check it out RIGHT NOW!

  8. Love the new look. It seems that the new year has inspired several of my blog friends to sport a new look.

    I will head on over to read your article now.

    It was great visiting with you while I was in Wisconsin.

  9. How fun! Will have to take a look at your new blog.

  10. Wow Susie--your new layout looks fantastic! I love it! I will definitely check out your new one too!

  11. your blog looks great! and that sunflower cake! i made one just like it a few years back too! it is adorable! you have such talent!
