Sunday, January 4, 2009

Stalk Me with Code

Update: I am a bonehead and put the wrong code on there! Duhhhh!! Try it again. I swear it will work now:-)

Check it out!! My button is up and yours for the taking. So, if you like me tell the world and copy my code and post it on your blog:-)

Susie's Homemade


  1. Love the new look! Congrats on the button and being published too! WAY COOL! I'll be grabbing your button.

  2. I think it would be fun to make a button for Eat Your Veggies! but have not the slightest idea of how to go about it. You, of course, are on the cutting edge, with a button, a new (fantastic) blog design, the whole proverbial cupcake (I was gonna say "ball of wax," but that didn't sound too appetizing!). BTW, I've got a Giveaway goin' on at my place...please drop by and put some POP! in your New Year!

  3. Too cute, how did you create it? I want to create one for my blog? THanks!
