Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Walk for Autism

My brother's family is challenged with Autism and every year we participate in a walk to support the cause. This year was the ANGEL's 2nd Annual Indoor Walk 4 Autism and we were there. Here's our group in all it's glory:-)

ANGEL gives grants to Wisconin children that are affected by autism. They support children and their families by providing funding for needed therapies, networks for parents, education of Autism spectrum disorders and related biomedical behavioral interventions. They have helped 130 families and paid out over $57,000 in 2008. For more information on how you can help visit their website at http://www.angelautismnetwork.org/.


  1. That's awesome Susie!! Best tackle by far!

  2. That is so great! I love hearing about great organizations like this! Way to do your part! :)

  3. I hope this years brings the organization much more success!

  4. what a great thing to do my son participates in the autism walk and I know that the parents of children with autism are very strong as I have a great friend of mine who has a son with autism. God bless the parents of these children, the children who suffer, and the scientist working on the cure.

  5. awesome! Participating in a walk for a good cause is such a great thing!

  6. What a great tackle, great organization as well!!

  7. My 3.5 year old has Autism so causes like these are near and dear to my heart. What a great thing to do for a great organization!

  8. Great! Certainly a wonderful, beneficial cause. Thank you for posting about it.

  9. Good for you...and thanks for the link!

  10. That's neat! Do you live in Wisconsin? We are not too far from the WI border here in Rockford, IL. Your recipes look so yummy also. You have got to be the most faithful follower of Tackle it Tuesday that there is--wow!

  11. What a wonderful organization, Susie!! You know I work with middle school children with autism. Thank you for being apart of such a wonderful cause.

  12. Good for you!! What a great-looking group!

  13. Giving of yourself for others really makes a person feel good. I know your brother and his family must be very thankful that you're so supportive.

  14. What a wonderful thing to do! We were able to go to a Cure Autism Now Walk one year, and that was really great.

  15. That's wonderful! I hope they're able to help many more families this year!
