Friday, June 11, 2010

Blog Frog Friday 6-11-10

I am happy to have you all here for Blog Frog Friday: a weekly stop at my Blog Frog community:-)

This week's topic is about 3G Networks. I am conducting a social networking experiment on the road. So, hop on over to my pad for the conversation:-)


  1. I hope you have a safe trip.. Enjoy..

  2. Happy Blog Frog Friday to you! Have an amazing weekend.

  3. no problem about the Round Robin.. There is always next month. Enjoy your trip..

  4. Wow! You all sound like you're having tons of fun. Where is your final vaca destination? Wish it was this way. Would love to meet you.

  5. I'm totally hopping over right now. I may be a bit late but I want to play in your BF community!
