Thursday, June 10, 2010

Have Some Lettuce

We are on our way to Kansas. So, while I am gone, enjoy my first lettuce harvest of the year:

Even though I am gone, come back tomorrow for a Blog Frog Friday experiment:-)


  1. wow!!! my lettuce didn't do good...but your's looks great!!!

  2. looks yummy! anyone got any ranch?

  3. That's the best looking lettuce I've ever seen!

  4. thank you, I will use these for my burgers:O)

  5. Your lettuce looks delicious! Have a safe trip.

  6. That looks really, really good!!!!

    What part of Kansas are you going to? I will be in that neighborhood next week!

    Have fun!

  7. Wow what a wonderful job. Have a safe trip.. I am the one with the Red toes.. Sorry.. Have a great time..

  8. Still waiting on our first harvest of lettuce. I live in wisconsin too but we live just 2 miles from Lake Michigan in that 'cooler near the lake' zone so we're a little behind.

    Too, I want to invite you to link up your garden entries over at my blog on Mondays when I host the Monday Garden Club. I love to check out what other bloggers are growing, especially local ones!
