Thursday, August 6, 2009

Friday Foto Fun with Swim Lessons

It's time for Carrie's Friday Foto Fun:-)

Remember this girl who was so ready to swim at the beginning of the season? Well, this is how she did:

This is her swimming report card from Level 1 which she passed on the first try! Everyone she encounters says that she is the "most enthusiastic (fill in the blank) that they have ever seen":-) I love that about her.

And this is Level 2. She didn't pass but she only missed 2 things so next time should be a breeze. I think it is neat that each instructor decorated the sheets for the kids. I am just so pleased with the program they have at our aquatic center. They really make learning fun.
These are going straight to the memory book:-)


  1. I'm really impressed by those notes, it's great that they encourage the kids! :-)

  2. That is so sweet! My mom kept some of my report cards when I was in Elementary School,and I loved reading the teachers comments! Your daughter will definitely treasure those!

  3. How great that they give those notes! Truly a great item for the memory book!

  4. I love the notes from teachers it means they really care. I really should but mine in to swim lessons maybe next summer.

  5. That is so great.

    I love those swimming progress reports.

  6. She will get it next time!! I admire her for her enthusiasm. She is a good kid.

  7. Congratulations to your little swimmer!

  8. Sounds like a great program. I am hoping to start swim lessons for the boys next summer!! So fun!!
