Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Back to School Shopping

On this first day of school, I am looking back at our back to school shopping. Every year, before we go shopping, we have to clean out our closets, write down what we have and make a list of what we need. I didn't take any before pictures but here are the results of our trip:

How did your back to school shopping go?


Liz Mays said...

I don't have to go back to school shopping anymore but I am going to get a little somethin' for myself this weekend for the first time in 2 1/2 years. I'm not even kidding.

I'm glad yours went well and let us know how the first day of K went for your little one!

Amy said...

I do not have to do this just yet. But I will be doing some winter clothes shopping my little one grew and I need some clothes for her. I guess I am going back to winter shopping.

cat said...

Gosh, I had to do emergency spring/summer shopping for The Boys yesterday.

Cindy @ Fenced in Family said...

I desperately need to do your step 1: go through the closest and drawers and write down what we have and don't have. With three boys, I prefer to pass down whatever clothes I possibly can, but it seems so hard to remember what's in the attic waiting for someone to grow into it.

Anonymous said...

Your closets look so organized! We need to organize our boys' closet, as their pole is falling down! Since we homeschool, we don't do a lot of back to school shopping. We simply buy the kids clothes and shoes when they outgrow them. We need to take an inventory. Otherwise we buy what they already have!

Buffie said...

My daughter isn't in school yet so we haven't done back to school. However I did go through the fall.winter clothes we have so I have a better idea of what I still need to get her.

Brandi said...

My little one isn't big enough for school yet. But I would love to get some new stuff for myself! :)

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

Girl I wish you lived next to me so I could hire you to tackle my house!!

mommytoalot said...

I love to shop. I was supposed to clean out the closets first..but..well i had time to finish up Joey's stuff today..so i did..i think i did well.
He'll be the coolest looking dude in his class.
I finished our four year olds last week....and got back packs for a great price.
now we just need to finish up alec's school supplies..and Nick has to get his books for University

Melissa B. said...

I couldn't believe it...I even had to go "school supply shopping" for the law student!

More Than Words said...

Gosh, everything looks so organized!!!

Toddler Crafts Onna said...

Luckily we didn't have a lot to do, but we did clear out the closets. My daughter gets so much from the grandmothers and her big cousin, that we really just needed shoes! Great Tackle!

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