Therese at The Musings of a Mom gave me this award, and I am tickled pink! She is one of my best friends in real life and has always supported everything I have done/tried. And here she goes again...supporting me again:-)
So here are the rules:
* Pick 5 Bloggers that you feel are Kick Ass Bloggers
* Let em' know in your post or via email, twitter or blog comments that they've received an award
* Share the love and link back to both the person who awarded you and back to Kick A** Blogger Award
* Hop on back to the Kick Ass Blogger Club HQ to sign Mr. Linky then pass it on (which you can also get to on the above link)
Pretty simple, right?
Now, I put some thought into this. Who did I think was Kick Ass? Someone who has me laughing out loud all the time. Someone who is in fact Kick Ass. Well, here is my list:
1. The Journey to the Hot Tub is hilarious!! I could see hanging out with her for a couple drinks and getting along famously:-)
2. Spit-Up and Stilettos has a great "voice". She's also a fellow Etsy seller. Support homemade!!
3. No One Puts Cupcake in a Corner is someone I might actually have a drink with on Monday. She holds a local cupcake contest and a world wide one at Iron Cupcake . (Voting for your favorite is coming soon. I hope I am your favorite:-)
4. Zander and Me is really cool too! I just starting visiting her but I thoroughly enjoy her photos. They are great!
5. Motherhood Uncensored is exactly what it says. Another blog I just got a hold of but, I love that she is raw and honest and just damned funny:-)
So there you have it. 5 blogs that I think are kick ass!! Check em out:-)
Congradulations on the award. I love getting awards.
Cograts on your award, Susie!!! And thanks for thinking I'm Kick Ass enough to pass it on to me....much appreciated! Glad you enjoy my pictures!
Thanks so much for thinking of me Susie. I've been feeling more deserved of "BIG ASS" award, so kick ass is truly awesome.
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