Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Organizing the Bedroom Closet

Now, I know that is doesn't look like much but...

In my defense, I need to go through it to make a shopping list. And, the shoes were a mess, my purses need to be restuffed with tissue paper and I did carry out 3 bags of clothes to either give away or toss. So, I think it was successful. What do you think?


Hippie Family... said...

looks great.. are you sure you don't want to come to our place and help out?

EmmaP said...

wow - look at those empty hangers. I guess you really did find lots of things to give awauy or toss. way to go!

A Christian Mom said...

I think it looks great! Enjoy shopping to replace what you gave away. ;o)

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Looks great! Great minds think alike as I tackled my closet, too! :D

Have a great day! :D

Frugal Finds said...

Looks great!!!

thotlady said...

I think you accomplished the mission. Looks good.

I am having a give-a-way over on my site, come on over and take a look.

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

Oh how I dread the closet lol. I know that one day it will be one of my tackles. You did a great job.

The Proverbs Wife said...

I think that now is a great time to begin purging or closets. The weather will be cold soon and the shelters will need all of the clothes, shoes and coats they can get.

I hope that you'll stop by and visit my tackle.

Kristi said...

Absolutely it's a success! Way to go! Blessings to you!

Miss Mommy said...

Looks great!! I need to tackle my closet one of these Tuesday's....Thanks for the reminder!!

I'm the Mom said...

Great tackle!!

happyathome said...

So while I am scrolling down, I see your rolls recipe below and now I have a craving for them. But anyway, great tackle! Stop by to see my Tackle it Tuesday for a garden overhaul!

Anonymous said...

Good tackle. When you're done, go tackle that parrot shirt of your husband's. Someone at Goodwill will give it a good home. I promise!

heidi said...

good job!!! My bedroom is on my tackle list...eventually. LOL

Miss Hollywood said...

Great work! If i had to do that i dont even know where to begin...i had a whole room as my closet and since i moved, i dont have that luxery anymore! BTW those rolls you made look amazing! i have to make them!

Jennifer said...

That is a great tackle! I need to do that as well.

Anonymous said...

It really does look very nice. Great job! :)

Just today, I organized my sewing things, and when I was in the thick of it, with junk sitting all around me, I thought I must have been crazy to attempt such a task (and with a two-year-old in the room!). When I was done, though, it felt amazing!

Erica said...

I think you did great. It always feels good to clean that stuff out! Thanks for stopping by today!

Anonymous said...

I never thought to stuff my purses with tissue paper. I'll bet that keeps them looking nice. Gotta try that.

Anonymous said...

That looks great....I need to do that too.....I can't even get the door shut anymore....

Heart of Wisdom said...

Awesome--I think you did a wonderful job!!! Calls for take out pizza for dinner!!

Good Job MOM!

Come by and see me!!!!

I have two blog post this Tuesday.
Photos of our typical morning on my personal blog at http://heartofwisdom.com/heartathome

and an explanation of Changes at my homeschool blog

Jennifer said...

it looks great!! I would say you made a Lot of progress !

Controlling My Chaos said...

Yep, that sounds pretty successful to me. Cleaning out closets, especially my closet, is one of my most dreaded chores, so way to go Girl!

Anonymous said...

I just stopped in to say Thank You for stopping by for the BATW tour the other day. I really enjoyed having so many visitors.

Peggy said...

Nice job! 3 bags of clothes is a lot.

Stephanie said...

Great Job! I haven't even looked at our closets in months.

Jen said...

Yeah, the closet. I've been at it for a couple days now. Mine and the kids. Good job on yours.
Thanks for 'visiting' Canada.
Enjoy the rest of your week!

Cant Hardly Wait said...

hey, so, you wanna come tackle my house? we'll call it the tackle of all tackles. like sacking the quarterback. haha

Lex the mom said...

I think it's amazing how quickly it can get all jumbled up inside a closet. It doesn't feel like that long ago I had mine all neat & organized.

Oh - & I love when I go through & show the hub what things of his need to go, he agrees because he never wears it, then months down the line he's asking "Where's that one shirt?" Duh!

I need to do my closet again. Ugh! Yours looks great & if you do shop for what you got rid of that's even better!

Rhea said...

You're great at tackling closets, I'm impressed.

So, what should I do with my ENTIRE house?! I can't tackle it in five minutes.

taratoons said...

Looks great! I need to do the same!! Thanks for dropping by for a tour of Nebraska!

Frizzy said...

Looks good. Can you come over and do mine now please?

Anonymous said...

Looks great! I need to tackle my closets too.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Do you have anything left?? I so need to do this. I have this closet full of clothes and NOTHING to wear. If I just got rid of the things that I didn't wear last year, then I would have lots more room. And proof for my husband that I really don't have anything :-)

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