Several years ago, our skyline was redefined when the art museum went through a major renovation that included an innovative design by Santiago Calatrava. Here is that design:

And here is my interpretation of that design in cupcake form:
I thought that this was a really unique idea...until I saw the logo for this competition had the Calatrava right on there!!

So much for thinking outside the box! Oh well, I had fun and it was a great tackle!
Very interesting! Is it white chocolate?
It looks yummy. At 8:30 in the morning, no less... but still yummy!
I am sure we all thought about going to the Calatrava approach, but you were the only one brave enouugh to do it! GREAT JOB!
What a fitting and lovely looking entry! Wish I could've been there to try it and cheer you on. Your attempt at custard cupcakes sounds divine, too!
I smell talent and me some cupcakes!
I smell talent and me some cupcakes!
How neat! I have always been fascinated by food art. All the time that goes into disigning and creating is amazing. Great job!
I am still so very impressed with your baking. Being innovative with baking really takes a certain something. Of which, I don't have. But I love reading about it. Except that it really makes me hungry.
I say that was a very creative cupcake. Good work!
Wow... very interesting... and creative.
You're pretty much a goddess!!
That looks very complicated! Wow! How many of those do you need to enter? I wouldn't have the patience for that type of attention to detail. You go girl! Good job!
I agree with Shannon. It's 8:00 AM for me, but still looks yummy!
Hey - no, I didn't get any comments, but in surfing other blogs, I read a lot of comments... and it DID make me sad. Why do we have to belittle those who don't believe as we do?
You guys are awesome:-) I love the comments and appreciate the support. You guys Rock!
Just a couple notes:
Shannon: It is white chocolate:-)
Melinda and Frizzy & Bird: They really weren't that complicated. Like I said, it is just white chocolate:-) It was really fun for me:-)
Great job! That came out awesome!
Xcllnt job! Beautiful design!
Wow! You are very talented. I can't wait to read more of your blog...I am sure I will get a lot of yummy ideas!
Thats a great job! I want cupcakes now! lol
Wow! Very cool! As someone who is not a baker, I'm very impressed!
Oh, and thanks for stopping by my blog. Still no RSVPs:(
That's perfect! Can't wait to see how you do!
Susie, it was a pleasure meeting you and your cupcakes were fabulous! Good for you for tackling a tough but delicious job!!
Oh goodness, you can't dangle a beautiful cupcake like that in front of a pregnant woman! lol
Very cool! Good for you!
That looks pretty intricate. Best of luck! :)
Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting on my dinner plate menu board idea.
I've really enjoyed your gardening posts. I am an avid gardener as well. Feel free to stop back by my blog and check out my post under the topic (gardening). Have a blessed week.
Very visually appealing!
And tempting to my tastebuds, too!
Good luck!!! I'm sure you'll let us know how you do.
I think you did a fantastic job!!! Wow!!!
I just took another look at your cupcake and I noticed the dish that it is on. My mom had those dishes!!! I have the 3 that are left!!! They must have lead in them because I remember mom breaking them in the microwave! lol... These are just so special to me because they were hers and we grew up with them. I have no idea what they are worth $ wise but they are worth the world to me! lol...
Way to go! I love to watch the food network for competitions like this. You are the winner in my book!
That is an awesome cupcake, regardless! I never knew there was such a contest!
Thanks for checking out my Wisconsin blog!
It looks tasty! Don't you just hate when someone else comes up with your good idea first?
I don't care what the other one looks like, I like yours and I would eat it ANYTIME. :) Good job.
That looks like it took a lot of patience!
Your baked goodies look SO good!
Wow! That is amazing. Looks delicious too!
What a great idea. Your cupcake looks great. It also is making me hungry.
I love cupcakes and rarely eat them. I wonder why that is?
Hmmmm...I will have to think on that.
Great cupcake! How did you do in the competition?
Thanks for linking that up! It looks wonderful!!
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