You see, it is the neighborhood fun house however, the mom is a little...shall I say scattered. In the short time I have known her, I have learned that plans have to be confirmed and reconfirmed and even then, that doesn't mean that it going to happen as we agreed. Many a play date have been rescheduled at the last minute and lately, she just doesn't even show up for them at all. It's becoming very frustrating.
So, as the day of the party approached, I still didn't know what time, how many apples to make or even if the party was still going on. So, I called and left a message. She called me back...the night before the party to confirm it was still going on. She asked if I was still bringing carmel apples and I said that I was prepared to bring a dozen. She said, "Oh no. You have to bring at least 2 dozen." Have to bring?? My annoyance grew.
After a couple minutes of bitching about how completely rude that was, I grudingly went on to make the 2 dozen carmel apples that she requested:
So, because I was doing this grudgingly and because it was last minute, they turned out less than pretty:
So, I designed a plastic wrap smoke screen to hide their ugliness.
Now, I feel better.
By the way, she wasn't even expecting 24 people at the party!! She was expecting 15 at the most! After all was said and done, I left a dozen there. So, here's my question...would you have been annoyed?
Carmel Apples:
12 apples
12 sticks
2 bags of carmels (approximately 40 pieces)
1 small jar of peanuts, chopped
1. Unwrap all of the carmels and melt them over low heat.
2. Twist stems off of the apples. Insert sticks into the apples at the stem.
3. Dip apples into carmel and then the peanuts. Place the apples on waxed paper to set.
Makes 12 apples
and YES I would have been annoyed!
I love carmel appels. there is a place in san fran that does them every way possible. Jimmies, nuts, chocolate chips, white chocolate, dark chocolate, ... sounds like forest gump.
bbq-ed apples
spiced apples
cubed apples
hhahahahaha.. oh I crack myself up.
I think they turned out pretty and your smoke screen and basket just added to their charm. :) I am wondering why this lady is so disorganized (and bossy), maybe she has a medical issue? I would have been upset, but if it was this way often I would probably distance myself from her.
I would have been very annoyed and I bet they tasted so good. They look good to me :)
Looks so delicious to me! I think they look great! And, yes, I would be annoyed. A hostess should be glad for help, not demanding that her guests do things for her. And especially since it wasn't a huge get-together, the hostess should have prepared for the event herself unless someone volunteered to help. I would be frustrated too, if I were you! Anyway, thanks for the recipe :)--my fav fall treat!
good stuff! you know me. I would have been totally annoyed. I would have cussed her out for sure.
The apples look delish, and yes I would have been very upset, annoyed and ticked off. But I would have made the 2 doz as requested.
I think the presentation was very elegant.
Major ettiquette violation on her part.
You on the other hand responded with grace. The apples looks good to me before you spiffed them, but they looked even better afterwards. I do hope she was grateful for your efforts!
Thanks for the caramel goodness, too. I haven't made them this year, and it's peak apple season in MA already!
Heck yeah I would have been annoyed! Need to provide that info up front and so rude to demand it at last minute. My teeth are hurting thinking of tearing into those apples. I love them but my teeth not so much.
that is very annoying to say the least but I think that the apples look awesome and I am sure that they were amazing.
They look delicious! And, YES, I would have been so annoyed that I probably wouldn't have even made them! LOL I'm horrible about things like that!
First of all--the apples don't look ugly--they look good and I want one! And secondly, YES! I would have been annoyed--I hate dealing w/ scattered people like that.
Now you've given me an idea for the 10 million apples I still have in my kitchen!
They still looked tasty to me! And yes, I would have been VERY annoyed. I have only tried to make caramel apples once, and when the caramel cooled it was so hard we couldn't eat them. Any idea how to avoid that problem?
Well, annoyed is not the word I would use, but yes, something like that! :)
I think they looked great though!!! And how nice that you dolled them all up even though you were annoyed!!! :)
They look great! Knowing me, I would have been annoyed...
I'll be praying for Dani tomorrow!
I think that those who live as she does, expect all of us who don't to be the same way, and thats just not right. Anyhow, they look great to me, and I am sure no one cared what they looked like once they tasted them :D
i would have been so irritated that i probably would have fibbed a little at the end like, "oh good, there's leftovers. I promised hubby i'd bring home the leftover apples so he could take them to work". And then I would have gathered my ugly apples, wrapped in their smoke screens, and tucked them into my waaaaay cute basket, like the evil witch and left! hahahahahaha! (and your apples were not ugly by the way!)
Adding that to my list of stuff to make for my party coming up :). My kids will have fun helping out with that. I love your presentation!
I would have been annoyed too. You were very sweet to bring the apples despite her disorganization!
hey - have you tried that mini carmel apple recipe? I am always worried about them going brown too quick.. hints? Tips?
I would have been HIGHLY annoyed...
I haven't thought about caramel apples in a while. I love the bags and the big basket you put them in. Adorable! I bet they tasted yummy.
Oh HECK YEAH! What was she thinking? No more goodies from your house to the fun house.
I don't think they're ugly at all. I'm getting hungry though. I'm going to be making caramel apples in a couple days for Croptoberfest this weekend. Guess what I'll be posting about? We can be twinners. Except I don't have that annoying hostess to deal with. I understand your frustration and irritation, believe me.
I still think they turned out wonderful!
And yes, I would have been annoyed.
Good job! People like that annoy the heck outta me too...though I am "scattered" myself, I am not rude (or at least I hope not!! HA)
I think they look delcious-O!!
Thanks for stopping in the other day...I've been OVER scattered lately...but I made it!! Love your I am off to read more (again)
They look fine to me! In fact, they look pretty darn good :)
I would definitely have been annoyed! But I think your apples look delicious. I need to make some of those with all the apples I have.
I would have been annoyed too. It's so hard to know what to do in those situations. I might have even told her that with such short notice I couldn't make any more. :) I think they looked really yummy though!
I couldn't begin to describe how annoyed I'd be. And I think I would have told her at this late time I'd only be able to do a dozen. AND I wouldn't have prettied them up, so I say you went above and beyond! They do look good. If possible I'd start disassociating myself...
Those apples look sooo yummy! I just did carmel apples at our Lutheran Girl Pioneer meeting last Wednesday...the girls all loved them!
However, my daughter is allergice to all dairy so she had to sit this one out. Still haven't found a dair free carmel :(
You did a LOVELY job....
Oh my those look so yummy!
Wow! Those are fantastic. I'm printing off the recipe right now.
I have got to try this. I have always wanted to but they look kinda messy.
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