I got tagged today by Frugal Finds and Mommy's Perfect Project .
Now, I get to tell 7 random or weird things about me. So, here we go......
1. I want 80's fashion to come back especially, the big hair. I looked really good in big hair:-)
2. I am a NASCAR fan.
3. I have never lived in any other state but Wisconsin.
4. I have one older brother.
5. I sleep on my stomach.
6. I love bubble baths.
7. Weird...birth control pills didn't work for me either 1 surprise and 1 planned (on our honeymoon!!).
Now I tag......
How fun was that Tag! I agree...I to wish that the 80's stuff would come back!
Thanks for the laugh about big bangs. I had not thought about that in ages. hehehehe.
That was really cute. I sleep on my stomach too!!
Thanks Susie! I'll be blogging it in a few days if not sooner. Lots of these to catch up on it seems. Can't wait to share.
Ah, you mentioned 80s hair...that begs for you to show pics! haha
My Hubz is a NASCAR fan. When we go on vacation, none of the kids wants to drive with him, 'cause he'll be listening to the race! BTW, don't forget our Silly Sunday Sweepstakes. Come by and Share That Caption Love!
Fun to get to know one another. Thanks for coming by from Sits. cherry
So you really ARE serious about missing the 80's big hair... I think that thick curly hair is ALWAYS in fashion. I've always been big on either/or. If you have straight hair - don't get a perm. If you have curly hair - use a little product to play it up and avoid the flat iron. I bet your curls are gorgeous.
My hair is too thick for big hair (it just pulls right back down again). I sooo hope we never see big hair again! Sorry...
And I don't know how you stomach sleepers do it- I can't breathe when I sleep that way!
NO. NO BIG HAIR. Look, I was born in the 80's. 88 to be exact. My mom had big hair when she was giving birth to me. It was awful. Trust me, I was there.
And I sleep on my stomach, too. Funny story: I was 8 months pregnant, and I got up in the middle of the night to pee, and when I came back I must have forgotten somehow that I was HUGE, and I flopped down on my belly. UGH. Worst idea ever.
I had big bangs but it was way too much work for me to want them back...lol!
Anywasy I just wanted to stop by and tell you CONGRATS on being a SITS's SAUCY BLOG this week!
Congrats on being SAUCY! I totally agree with the big hair thing!!! I just did this meme and yours is so much better than mine! :-P
Congrats on being a SAUCY blog this week! I'm from Wisconsin too! Who's your favorite driver? Mine's Kasey Kahne and of course Matt Kenseth.
Congrats on being saucy!!1
Much Love
80s hair? really? I look back at photos of my 80s style and am afraid! you must've done it better than me! *grin* you should post some photos to convince the rest of us
Hey Susie! Congrat's on being found Saucy on SITS!!! That's awesome ~ you deserve it :)
welcome to SITS
I heart the 80's!
Congrats on being Saucy this week.
Congrats on being Saucy!
I love bubble baths as well!
Wait--I thought the 80's were "back." I hope so b/c fashion-wise, I never left!!
Congrats on being one of this weeks Saucy Blogs! You are so funny... we want pictures!
Total stomach sleeper here, too! It was SOOOOOOOO hard for me to fall asleep while I was prego! Oh and speaking of....girl, you are fertle Mertle! lol
Congrats on being a SAUCY SITS girl!
over from SITS - Have to admit that my big hair just won't go away so it would be nice if it were back in style :) it's a fun tag (just did it myself as part of my tag week...)
I'd be okay with big hair. It's at least something my hair can do!
Great meme!
Congrats on being saucy! I always knew you were though!
wow - I never would have pegged you as a NASCAR fan. But I can see it all now... Susie's NASCAR Luncheon complete with a racing-themed table scape I am sure! Too cute! Thanks for letting us get to know you!!!
Congrats on being saucy! I would have perfect 80's hair so I wish that would come back! Have a great week!
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