Monday, October 20, 2008

No Recipe Monday:-(

Well, it's been one heck of a week and one hell of a weekend. My daughter had surgery that she and I are recovering from. My Microsoft Money decided to password protect my files for me so I can't get in. And, my camera doesn't work. So, no pictures today and no recipe:-( I am hoping that my faithful readers will forgive this indiscretion.

Speaking of my faithful readers, I would like to thank a bunch of them. Where do I start?

Oh yeah, Lex from The Life and Crimes of a Mom gave me this little number:

Now, I will list 6 things that make me happy. Then I will give it away to some of my faves. They can drop by if they choose to accept. I decided I like to let people choose if they want the award or not.

1. My Family
2. Mr Friends
3. Baking
4. Gardening
5. Blogging
6. Music

Then, Emma at Musings of the Mindless Banterer gave me this:

So here is how is this award works. I have to choose 4 bloggy friends who I consider to be "Blogging Friends Forever" PLUS 1 bloggy friend from another country.

And finally Frizzy and Bird from Heaven's Gift bestowed this award on me for my Bye Bye Love post:

And I get pass the torch on. You can accept any or all of the awards in this post because you are all creative, full of bloggy love and have fabulous fall decor:


Jen said...

I am so sorry that you had a rough weekend and I totally hate it when electronics get a mind of their own.
Congrats on all your awards, you are so deserving.

Unknown said...

Well let's hope that things just only get better!!!!

And of COURSE we'll still love you, sans recipe and all!!!

Alicia @ Oh2122 said...

Eek. Well the good news is that you must be due for a big bounce!

Non-food posts can always be forgiven. We'll all just go drool at your Etsy shop.

Frizzy said...

I hope your blog awards help make up for the bad weekend. I can totally see why you had a bad one. Those things would push me over the edge. Especially the password and the camera. Hoping your daughter is well. Is she having more surgeries or was the comment re. the initial one? I'm sorry if I've missed something somewhere.

Jennifer and Sandi said...

I agree with Oh, non-food posts are ALWAYS forgiven. We are ALWAYS on your side !!!!!

- Jennifer

Charlotte said...

Don't worry - I'm sure your good karma will kick in any day. You keep us all so entertained that you deserve a few days off!

Deanna said...

((((hugs))) to you and your daughter...I hope she heals well and speedy for the sake of both of you. Prayers being said :)

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Look at all that bling!

And when it rains it pours! It seems like all my electronics hate me. And just me. I try and show my husband what is wrong so that the techno geek himself can fix it - and it won't duplicate for him. It's a conspiracy.

Shell said...

I'm so sorry your having one of those crazy Mondays. Hopefully tomorrow will be a great day for you. Thanks so much for the awards!!! Totally made my day. Hugs!!!

Pennies In My Pocket said...

Oh wow that does sound like a rough time! I hope your daughter and you are doing SO much better! I can only imagine how exhausted you are physically and mentally. Hang in there, sweetie!

Congrats on all the awards! You deserve each and every one! Your blog is so wonderful!


Sooz said...

I hope your daughter is recovering well, and you too! Hang in there, Monday is almost over...

Unknown said...

It's Monday. What can I say? Come Celebrate Fall with me! Great Prizes everyday!

Jennifer said...

Thank you so much Susie!! I really appreciate it!

I'm sorry you've had such a hectic weekend and I hope your daughter is recovering well! I'm sorry about your camera too--mine has been in the shop a couple of times and I'm always lost w/out it!!

Thanks again for the awards--I will post about them on Wed.

Teri said...

Oooh, congrats on all the awards. Hope this week goes much better than your weekend.

Take care!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on all of your awards!!! I hope your daughter is feeling much better now.....and hopefully the rise of your machines will settle down soon. I hope this week gets better for you!

Shannon said...

Sweet! Thanks for the award... I'm grabbing the gold card one, as its one I don't have yet :)

Hope this week is going better than last! And that your daughter is recovering well!

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