Friday, January 2, 2009

Mama's Got a New Bag!!

Happy New Year everybody!! I hope you had a great holiday season and you are ready for another fun year of blogging! As you can see, I am:-) How do you like the new look? I am kind of digging it:-) Let me show you around.

1. I would like to thank my husband Jeff for helping me with the techno stuff. I did the design but he made it work and look pretty. I think he should start his own business, don't you?

2. The left-hand side of the blog is all about me and all about you. In this area, you will see my Chocolate Shop , information about me and all the new stuff that is going on with me. I also have my favorite blogs and places I go to all the time listed here.

3. The right-hand side is all about food and indexing. I have added a "Recipe" area so you can find yummy things easily. After that, there are my favorite food blogs followed by labeling and archiving.

And that is the nickle tour. I also have some super exciting stuff coming up in the new year. Take a look.

1. I will be featured on Happy to be at Home a couple times a month as their new "Crafty, DIY" writer. So, keep an eye out for annoucements here on when to find me over there.

2. I am also starting a new writing venture with a couple of my friends. It's all kind of hush hush right now as we iron out the details but just to give you a hint, I will be exploring the woman-side of all that is Susie. It is going to be really, really fun and I will let you know when that happens too.

3. I will be participating in Iron Cupcake: Milwaukee again this year. The next challenge is January 12th and the press might be there!! So, I may have more press whore news to share with you soon:-) Also, if you are in the Milwaukee area, stop by and check it out. Press or no press, it's a lot of fun:-)

4. I will also be adding some new things to the blog in the coming months. I have a new button in the works. So, if you really love me, you can display me on your blog for all the world to see. I am also looking at some advertising space and other fun things so, I hope you keep coming back for more:-)

Whew! I think that's it. I am totally jazzed about 2009! It has the potential to be totally awesome. So, thank you everyone who has traveled on this journey with me so far. I hope you enjoyed the ride and will stay on for another spin:-)


Unknown said...

Looks great!

MarciaBrady said...

Hi Susie. The new design is great. Sounds like you have a busy year ahead of you. I will definitely post your button once it's done.

Can't wait to see what you bring us this year!!

Happy New Year!

More Than Words said...

Susie..I love it! I love how you kept your pink & white stripes on your header! That's so you!!!

Can't wait to hear more about your project, and I'm so glad you have a spot for your recipes!!!! tell many times have you looked at your new blog? LOL! Oh..and once you get your button, I will put you on my page!!

Controlling My Chaos said...

Love the new blog, it looks yummy like your cupcakes.

Anonymous said...

The blog looks great! Good luck in all that you do this year!

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Great new look, Susie! :D

Hope your year goes great!!

Shell said...

I love the new look of your blog. Congrats on all the great things you are doing in 2009.

Jen said...

Oh Susie, I love it!!!!! I especially love all the recipes organized on the side. Now I can easily find all your wonderful recipes. Awesome work!!!

Debbie said...

I like the new blog design and congratulations on the new gig.

Amy said...

This is aweseome. I love it!

Shannon said...

I think the new design looks great! LOVE that you added your recipes on the side!

Cheers to a fabulous 2009!

Steph at Problem Solvin' Mom said...

All kinds of exciting things happening, that's great! I love your blog design, though I'm new so I wouldn't be able to compare it ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow - you did revamp! Good job. It looks great! Congrats on the new gig as well!

Tiff said...

Love your new place! :)

Crazee Juls said...

Happy sits day! Cute stuff and I do love your blog layout!

Jolene said...

I didn't get to see the old look of your blog, but this look that you have now is very nice. I love the cupcakes in your header.

cat said...

Hi Susie, I am all excited to see somenody I "know" featured on SITS - happy SITS day!

Funny in My Mind said...

Your blog looks fantastic. Love cupcakes!! Ah, to be surrounded by them is a fantasy! ha ha

TheHurt said...

I like your design, it looks so cute!

Hope all goes well with your plans!

Luv Luv


Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day ... you're blog looks beautiful ... perhaps your hubby should make a business out of it ...

Xazmin said...

Ohh, your blog looks so Yummy! Nice to meet you!

Synergy Girl said...

What a Fun Layout...totally fits you!! Or what I know of you sooo far!! The cupcakes look incredibly delicious! Yummm!!

Anonymous said...

Your blog looks great!! Stopping by SITS to say "HI" :)

Mrs. Jelly Belly said...

Happy SITS Day!

MsTypo said...

You did this yourself?! Wow! I can barely add blogger widgets. It looks great!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS Day :)

Carebear said...

Love the site design. It's adorable. And geez, you sound busy! Hope you take plenty of time for you!

Unknown said...

Love the look of your blog!

Beth said...

Happy SITS Day! Looks like you have a fun & exciting year planned. I'm looking forward to browsing through your blog, it looks adorable.

Anonymous said...

Not sure what the old look was but this one is pretty.

Laurel said...

So your blog is basically about really yummy food? I am gonna like it! You are busy:).

Anonymous said...

Your blog looks great! I really like all of your recipes on the side! Congrats on your SITS day!

Anonymous said...

I never saw your older design version but this one looks pretty great! Congrats on the new 'do!

Unknown said...

I like your blog design. I have fun doing my own also. The cupcakes really take your header the extra mile!

Anonymous said...

It's your SITS day! Happy SITS day!

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

Your blog looks great!! Congrats from SITS!

Unknown said...

Congrats on your new look and big plans for 2009! Happy SITS day!

April said...

I'm lovin' it!

jennykate77 said...

I like your look! Great job to you and your hubby!

Happy SITs Day! :)

Preston said...

I wanna know more but I've got to leave for work. I'll be back though.

Amy said...

Wonderful List...

mommytoalot said...

Good morning!
Your blog looks fantastic. Yummy too!

BloggessJ said...

Love your blog design! Happy SITS day!

Anonymous said...

I like how you used that post to explain where people can find information on your blog. Great idea.

Sandy said...

Your layout is adorable!

Melissa Papaj Photography said...

Happy SITS day from Utah!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Sure hope you're 2009 is as wonderful as it promised it would be. Congrats on being featured!!!!

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

Happy SITS day!!!!!!!

I love the look of your blog! You both did a fab job!!

jules1219 said...

Very cute blog!

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

I wish I could design. Happy SITS Day!

Tiffany said...

You've got a great looking blog and so organized! Happy SITS day!

Vickie said...

Happy SITS day!

I didn't see the last design you had, but this one is very nice. You and your Husband did a good job.

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

Your blog is so cute! I hope 2009 is going well!! :)

Willo said...

Looks great!!!

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Popped over from SITS to say hi! Your blog looks wonderful & I can't wait to check out some of the recipes!

Alex the Girl said...

Lovely Temp. I can't even add the SiTS's button, much less design a templete (or even spell templete). Happy SiTS day to you. Abigail's going to love your cupcakes.

Aubrey said...

You got it going on girl! Such an exciting start to 2009!

The new look is great!

Have a wonderful SITS FB Day!

Ronnica said...

I forgot where I was/what I was doing, so I was confused when I read, "Happy New Year." Oh my, it's going to be one of those days, isn't it?

So, with that, happy New Year to you too! Haha.

Jewel Allen said...

Cute blog. As fun as getting a new bag, indeed :-)

Congrats on making your dreams come true.

Mimi said...

What an exciting way to start the New Year!


Hi Susie, it's great to meet you and congratulations on your SITS feature!

Alicia @ Oh2122 said...


I love when this happens!

Happy SITS Day!

Michelle said...

My DH is Jeff too. Nice to meet you.

Anonymous said...

Looks great! Now I'm hungry, with all the pictures of cupcakes. My stomach is seriously growling. Happy SITS day!

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

I do love your look - it just screams BAKED GOODS and has such a homey comfort to it. And there's pink, which is key. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm hungry after looking at your blog. HAHA!

mommy4life said...

Cute makeover.

Brandy said...

That's where I've seen you before...I love Happy to be at Home!

Cammie said...

Happy SITS day!

Lisa@saltandlightstudio said...

Visiting from Sits and think your blog design is scrumptious!

Congrats on your "big day"!


jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

Very cute! =) Happy SITS day! =)

Lori said...

I can't wait to check out your reciepes!!

Rachel Lundy said...

You have a great blog here, and wonderful looking food!!!

Happy SITS day to you!

Kendra said...

Love it! Happy SITS day!

Sarah said...

Yummy! I am looking forward to browsing through your blog! Happy SITS Day!

Patricia said...

Love your page. It's nice how you organized it. Mine's all over the place.

Happy SITS day.

Tanielle said... looks great! Happy SITS day!

The Peacock Pearl said...

i'm definitely gonna have to check out some of those yummy recipes on your side bar!

Tara said...

Chocolate and cupcakes...this relationship was just meant to be! Darling site!

Laura said...

Your blog looks darling. You sound like one busy girl!

Mandy said...

Congrats on your SITS day! :)

Leslie said...

Stopping by from SITS! The design looks great!

Ryan and Katie said...

Happy Sits day!

Unknown said...

Cute blog, it looks great!

Carma Sez said...

I admire anyone who can bake since I fall short in that area :-) Nice blog layout.

Bar-b said...

Happy SITS Day..I love you blog look and thanks to it, I got up grabbed a cupcake and a glass of milk. Won't be visiting often ;)

Rachael said...

Happy SITS day! Your blog design is very cute, although I totally want a cupcake right now.

Judah said...

wow, awesome blog!! Happy SITs day!!

Lissa K said...

Happy SITS day!!! I am new to your blog, but with all the yummy looking goodies here, I will be back, for sure!!! I'm looking forward to trying some of your recipes!
Lissa K

Anonymous said...

I already commented on this post the first time....but I'm back here for SITS day. I love this post because it so filled with the hope and joy of a new year!!!!

Hope you are having a great SITS day!

Courtney said...

love the recipes! I will def come back for more cuz now im a follower!

Honey Mommy said...

I love brown. I may have to change my blog colors to brown here in a little while!

Rayna said...

love the look of your blog and all the big plans for this year. Good Luck

April Kennedy said...

You sound busy! Your site looks great!

Jen said...

Hello from SITS!
Love the new look, and you sound like you got lots going on!
Happy 2009!!

L said...

Happy SITS day! CUTE, CUTE, CUTE blog

Orah said...

I do not know that it is a good idea for me to read your blog, as I am very pregnant and VERY HUNGRY!!!!

Yummmmmmmmmmm, is all I have to say

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

I have seen your picture around and it is great to match the face with the blog!!

Happy SITS day!

Tori C. said...

Very cute blog design!

Leslie said...

Well, I didn't see the old design, but I think you and your husband did a great job. Looks great!

Days of Whine & Noses said...

Nice blog design!

Happy SITS Day :)

Porters said...

Yummy! Happy SITS Day!

Stacy Uncorked said...

Loving your blog and all the goodies! ;) Happy SITS Day! :)

Lyssa said...

Happy SITS Day! Looks good enough to eat!

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

Your blog is not only pretty, it's delicious! Here again from SITS saying, hi!

angie said...

Great job designing your blog! I like it!

Eve said...

I love your layout - looks fantastic!

Happy SITS Day!

Tabitha Blue said...

Congrats on your Super Saucy day!! The blog looks great!!! And so does this coming year... lots going on!!


Michelle said...

OH! I totally missed Iron Cupcake. I soo sooo sooo wanted to go see that, too. But obviously not enough to get my act together. *sigh* I hope you did well!

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