Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Biker Chick

Somebody got a helmet and pads for her birthday:-)


More Than Words said...

And she's ready to go!!


cat said...

Very very cute indeed!

Anonymous said...

I hope the weather cooperates and she can right out there and ride!

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

She is raring to go!! :D Absolutely adorable!! LOL!

Happy WW!

Tara said...

Oh that's so cute! reminds of my girls when they used to be all wrapped up and ready to they're 15 and 13 and have no interest in being cute like that...

na said...

Happy WW! She is cute!

Upstatemamma said...

She is so cute! And at least she is protected. :)

Jen said...

So cute!

Laura said...

Now she's all ready to go! Cute!

Muthering Heights said...

She looks ready for action!

Donetta said...

I take it she LOVES pink!

Michelle said...

And look, they match her outfit. How cute!

Anonymous said...

And mighty cute she looks too. Hopefully that should keep her safe. I had a red set for mine, but they couldn't handle the velcro.

tiarastantrums said...

super cute and safe!

Amy said...

Too cute :)

Heather said...

My kids love to wear their helmets too. Happy birthday to her!

Rebekah said...

She is ready, set, go

artfuldelight said...

She looks ready to go! What a cutie! Happy WW.

Amy Clary said...

awe. she looks adorable! Happy W.W. :)

Simply AnonyMom said...

She looks so cute in those protective pads.

jenn said...

Oh that is too cute!

Anonymous said...

She is the cutest biker ever!

Claremont First Ward said...

So cute. My son would wear his helmet and knee pads all day everyday if I'd let him! :)

Anonymous said...

Aww, she's too cute!

Anonymous said...

So cute, she's all ready to go!

Scary Mommy said...

How cute is she?!!! Love it!

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

What an adorable little girl! I gotta admit, I'm a tad nervous about bike riding days at our house. :)

Lorie said...

Is her bike pretty in pink?

Live.Love.Eat said...

Oh she is co cute and ready to ride!!!!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Biker chick and pretty in pink!

Happy WW and thanks for stopping by my blog!

Anonymous said...

Oh she looks like she is ready to take off!
Happy WW

debi9kids said...

What a cutie! LOVE all the bright pink!!!
Happy WW!

Tasha said...

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog!
She is ready and waiting, so cute!

scrappysue said...

cute, cute, CUTE!!!

Aly @ Lip Zip said...

What an adorable little biker chick you have there!

Tara Bennett said...

Holy crap that is one cute kiddo and one cute picture!

Sarah said...

Looks like a happy little girl!! How fun!

LivingforGod said...

She looks great in pink. What a sweetie! Happy Birthday!

Thanks for your kind comment on my photo blog.

Lorina said...

So adorable!

Frizzy said...

Safety first! Love her little smile. My new camera is a Canon Power Shot SD 880IS Digital Elph 10.0 mega pixels.

Becky said...

What a cutie patootie! She looks so excited, all ready to ride.

Little Moos and My Creative Pink. said...

Very Cute!

Jen said...


Tiff said...

aww she looks so cute! :)

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