Thursday, April 30, 2009

Friday's Foto Fun with Sunshine

It's time for Carrie's Friday Foto Fun:-)

It's been raining a lot here lately. On this first day of May, I wanted to share my sunshine:


Anonymous said...

Awwww....she's beautiful!!! What a sweet post!

MediMonsters said...

She is too cute!! Like the pink and green.

Anonymous said...

To cute! She is ready to have fun with that warm weather. TFS

Unknown said...

Oh doesn't she just look like spring!!!!

theUngourmet said...

Sweet! I love the shadow of the tree behind her!

debi9kids said...

That is the most beautiful sunshine I have ever seen!

happy friday!

ACR said...

We love the sunshine ... and yours is a cutie!! Happy May Day!

Candid Carrie said...

You have green grass? Aren't you the lucky one. We still have brown dead stuff and mud.

But we have matching bare naked trees! Here's to a speedy arrival of spring.

Happy Fx4


mommytoalot said...

Yayyy its May!
Lets hope for lots more sunshine.
Love your little sunshine. She's cute, love the shades.

Angela said...

She's adorable! My post today featured spring as well - it has finally stopped raining here (after what seemed like months of it) and it's so nice to see all the green!

Amy said...

SO glad summer is around the corner, she looks happy too. Cute!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful ray of sushine!!!!

We have had sunshine .... however it rained last night and is drizzly now.Of course,this is also the day of our Field Trip with the 2nd graders.Figures !!

Sugar Boogers & Tantrums said...

Aww you are such a sweet mom. She is so cute! have a great weekend!

Happy Friday

Debbie said...

That brought a smile to my face! Thanks:)

Teri said...

She definitely brightens the day. So cute!

More Than Words said...

What a cutie, Susie!!!

She looks all ready for summer!

Unknown said...

Cute and yay for sunshine! It's raining here right now. :(

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

It's been raining here ALL week!!

The Blonde Duck said...

Love the pink and green!

Hippie Family... said...

I can't believe how big she's getting, she looks WAY Too old.. wheres the little girl with the messy room and messy hair again??

Jennifer said...

She's gorgeous!! Happy May!

Melissa B. said...

We've had several rainy days in a row, with no let-up in sight! Oh, to see the sun in May! Love this Superior Snap. BTW, please don't forget Sx3 today. We're celebrating Cinco de Mayo with a Tex-Mex cookbook giveaway!

Cassie said...

That is such a cute photo!

Christie said...

She's so super sweet! Definitely made of sweet, sweet sunshine!

HDMac said...

How cute! She IS sunshine!!!! Darling!!!!

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