Friday, April 3, 2009


What a week!! I have been working hard on my cookbook but, I have so many recipes! It's hard to narrow it down and get everything done. Especially since I am doing it part-time. I need one of these:

Poker night tomorrow. Maybe I will have one then:-) Happy Weekend!


debi9kids said...

OH. Me too. I'll have one please.....

Happy Friday!

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

I'll have one of those tonight!

SouthernDogwoods said...

Sign me up! Sounds good & looks even better!
I woke up at 3:16 to a sick little girl (praying it is not a virus) so I think I need one!

ACR said...

Is 8AM too early for one?! :)

Sugar Boogers & Tantrums said...

I'm glad you decided to write that cook book! How exciting! Can't wait to see.

Unknown said...

Slide one this way, please!!!! :-)

Looking forward to the cookbook !

Amy said...

That looks like a nice drink. Happy to hear that you are working on your cook book. Have a great day.

Amy said...

Oh yes! Pass me one too, please :D

Teri said...

I'll toast to that. Um, slide one over here!

Frizzy said...

I've needed one of those ALL week! The good news is, my company is gone now so let the good times roll! LOL!

The Blonde Duck said...

You're doing a cookbook? Rock on!

Anonymous said...

Looks good -- have fun tonight!

MediMonsters said...

Yummy!! Pass one on down. LOL

More Than Words said...

Hi Susie Q!
I can imagine all the work going into a cookbook!!!! I can't wait!! LOL

Aunt Julie said...

I think I need a drink, myself! BTW, what instrument does your daughter play in the Badger Band?

Anonymous said...

Hey girls I’m starting a recipe swap Monday! I just put up all the information on my blog, so if you are interested please come by and leave me a comment. I started this last year and had a blast – so I decided to start it back up. Hope you join in on some fun !!!

Melissa B. said...

I'm on Spring Break now, so I think it's time to break out the margaritas, oui? BTW, don't forget today's Sx3. Celebrating All Things Cherry Blossoms!

Roxane said...

Make sure you make extras, I would love one!

Jen said...

I am so glad to here that you are working on a cookbook. I so want one, the book and the cocktail.

Controlling My Chaos said...

If I have one of those, I'll just want to go back to bed.

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