Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Craig's List

It was very, very yucky outside this weekend. What better project to tackle when the weather is frightful than, the basement? This has been nagging at us for a while but with our older daughter moving back in from college for the summer, we really needed to buckle down.

We dug out several bags of garbage and lots of boxes of junk. And, we identified what needed to go to the dump to be recycled and what we could sell on Craig's List. This is the first time I have used this resource and I must say, it was really, really easy:-) It took me 15 minutes to post these items that I am hoping to sell:

It's pretty pathetic since my youngest daughter is 5! This stuff should have been gone years ago. But, I am doing it now so, we have that going for us:-)


Chocolate Fingerprints said...

Wow! That was fast! Are you making the basement into a space for your older daughter?

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

We tackled ours, too. LOL! Water and all!

larkswing said...

That will free up space! We are having a yard sale this weekend and can't wait to get rid of stuff! Ahh a lighter house!

Jennifer said...

I tackled my basemant recently--what a great feeling!

Amy said...

My family uses Craig's list to sell things also and they have done great. Have a great day. I love my basement and need to go down there and clean the bugs away.

Brenda said...

Such a great tackle! I'm so envious that you have a basement - that is one of things we miss living here in Florida!

Aunt Julie said...

I REALLY need to tackle my basement, too! There's a neighborhood yard sale coming up...might be an appropriate time, don't you think? BTW, please come by today to help me celebrate Uncle Lynn's birthday. We're having a Birthday Bash AND a giveaway!

More Than Words said...

Oh, I bet those items sold really fast!!!!!!!!

Buffie said...

I need to get my basement cleaned out too. It's like an obstacle course down there. Great job and good luck selling your items on Craigslist.

Jennifer Crosswhite said...

Isn't it amazing how clutter and trash seems to multiply? Whenever I clean out a room I throw out bags of trash and I'm never sure how it all gets there!

Congrats on getting your tackle done!

Kathy B! said...

Good for you! Better late than never, right?! I haven't tried Craigslist yet, but I have some items that I need to sell... maybe the time is right!

Anonymous said...

I have to tackle my basement and garage when I get back home. I'm sure there is a lot of stuff to put on Craig's list. The kids stuff should go fast...it always does around here. I love Craigslist!

thotlady said...

Good for you.

I am happy your older daughter will be with you for the summer. I am sure you are glad to spend time with her.

It has been in the 90's here since Saturday.

Controlling My Chaos said...

You go girl. I hope your stuff sells fast.

Tracey said...

Glad you were able to get the job done! Hope your stuff sells quickly! We have sold a number of things on Craig's List and it has always worked well.

Melissa B. said...

Susie, will you come over and tackle my basement next? Pretty Please? With lots of hugs & sugar on top?

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

Woo hoo, what are you going to do with the extra cash from selling?

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

I want a basement!!!

Sugar Boogers & Tantrums said...

I'm sure you would be able to sell it pretty quick. It's nice stuff. We have some things we want to put on a Craigs list as well.

Happy Tuesday!!

It Feels Like Chaos said...

Great tackle! How wonderful to have a better organized space and a little extra money, too!

Jen said...

We need to do that, too! We always seem to find things we should have gotten rid of long ago, too! Great tackle!

Robyn said...

I've sold on CraigsList before! Not too bad, but I would never have anyone come to my house! I met them out with my hubby at a public parking lot. Good luck!

heidi said...

Isn't Craigslist great?? I'm stalking it right now looking for a double jogger. I just listed a bunch of stuff and 80% of it sold right away. Good luck to you!

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