Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Making Room

Making room for big sister's return from college for the summer:-) Yahooo!!!!


Sara Elizabeth said...

How exciting. I bet you always look forward to school breaks too, huh? Great shots.

Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

April said...

I'm sure you'll welcome her home with open arms. My oldest daughter will head to college next year. I think I'm going to need therapy! Happy WW!

Jennifer said...

YAy! I bet you are excited. Does she arrive soon? Happy WW.

Susan Cook said...

Wow cool shots. I guess you took over her closet while she was gone - lol

Happy WW - TFS

Anonymous said...

Oh, yay! How wonderful to get her home for the summer! (and what well organized closets you have!)

I am Harriet said...

It never ends....

Hoosier Homemade said...

How exciting!

Roxane said...

Could you come over to my house and organize my closet?! It's such a mess LOL

HDMac said...

:) I can see you are exciteed! :) Girl time!!!!!

Amy said...

That will be fun to have her home.

tiarastantrums said...

oh - is that going to be enough room for a teenager/college gal?

Amy said...

Ok, be at my house this weekend, you are hired! :)

Claremont First Ward said...

So neat and organized!

Unknown said...

how exciting!!!! not looking forward to when my kids have to go away

Simply Being Mommy said...

Wow, if I could only be that organized!

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Aww! That is great! :D

Happy WW!

Jen said...

I bet its going to be good to have her home.

mommytoalot said...

Very neat!
We will have our first going away this September. How did you manage??

Unknown said...

I bet you're very happy! : )

Happy WW!

More Than Words said...

Aww! I bet you can't wait, Susie!!!!!!

You're so organized!!

Teri said...

I know you are so looking forward to time with your college girl. Have fun!

The Blonde Duck said...

I remember coming back from college. I always had so much crap!

Unknown said...

Your awesome! Want to come do my closet? lol Happy WW!!!

Kathy B! said...

How exciting! I mean your daughter's return... I get so giddy over a nicely organized closet that I thought I better clarify :)

Night Owl Mama said...

r u sure u left her enough room? hoe eciting make sure u take pics of her home coming sooo excitng

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

How exciting! I bet you've been missing her. :)

Monica@DailyDwelling said...

How exciting for you!!! I bet she can't wait to get there!

Staci A said...

I bet everyone's excited!

Anonymous said...

I know you are so excited. I still have 4 years before my first goes away. TFS

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

I'm sure you are thrilled to have her coming home!!

Debbie said...

This will be me in a year! I am so very happy for you:)

Karen M. Peterson said...

That's very exciting! Looks like you've been busy.

Aunt Julie said...

Oh, you're such a good Mommy! The problem I have when the kids come back from college, though, is that their stuff seems to multiple and overflow the room I've cleared for them in the closet!

April said...

i remember coming home from college, it is nice for you to make some room, I'm sure the summer will be nice

thanks for coming to visit my wordless wednesday :)

~Sandy~ said...

how exciting to have her back for the summer! thanks so much for stopping by and happy ww!!!

ps i took a peak of our etsy shop...yummy!!!!

wenderful said...

I think I've seen you at Jennifer Petersen's blog.
Thanks for stopping by and helping me celebrate my sits day today! I had ginormous fun.

Frizzy said...

So exciting! Yeah! I just cleaned out my closet and donated a bunch of clothes to charity. NOthing exciting like a homecoming! Love it!

sunnymama said...

How exciting! Love the pictures of the space you've made :)

Anonymous said...

How exciting!!

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