Friday, July 17, 2009

Friday Foto Fun with Craig's List

Its time for Carrie's Friday Foto Fun:-)

Because we have this:

We don't need this:
Or this:

So, I am selling them on Craig's List! Wish me luck:-)


Sugar Boogers & Tantrums said...

Cool!! Love your play gym. I bet the kids love it.

More Than Words said...

I'm sure those will get snatched up real quick!

koreen (aka: winn) said...

Wow. That's an awesome gym for the little ones! Good luck with the others.

mommytoalot said...

Oh those are so cute. We used to have the little climber..but in red.
Good luck
ps..i tagged u over at my blog

Anonymous said...

You won't need good luck, Susie. That kind of stuff moves SUPER FAST on Craig's list. :)

Debbie said...

I bet you'll sell that in a flash. Good luck!

Amy said...

I want them both. E-mail me....

Have a great weekend.

Melissa B. said...

Good luck, Susie! I've never used Craig's List, but my sister swears by it.

Michelle said...

My guess is that you had them sold as soon as you posted them! Love that craigslist!

The Blonde Duck said...

Those will get snapped up in a second.

debi9kids said...

Good luck! Hope you sell them quickly!

Happy Friday!

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Neat! I bet they go quick, too. :D

EmmaP said...

that boat looks cool... i can imagine that in a really huge sand box! hehehe! good luck!

heidi said...

Oooh! Luck! How'd you do? If you were closer I'd buy that there boat sand box from ya in a heartbeat!

Anonymous said...

Good luck selling this and this!

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