Wednesday, September 2, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten

I was going to just post this picture because I like the idea of it:

But, she looks so happy in this picture, I couldn't resist:-)

Happy First Day of School Baby!! I am so proud of you!!!


Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

She certainly does look proud! Congratulations on her first day!

More Than Words said...

Susie..she's adorable!!!!!

Anonymous said...

she's so adorable!

Hootin Anni said...

She is so darned adorable!!!

My W W is posted...WEATHER or not here I come Stop by for a visit if you can. Happy day to you.

cat said...

Oh Susie, your must be so proud of her. She looks so cute!

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...


mommytoalot said...

Ohhh look how proud she looks. What a big girl!

Liz Mays said...

The first one kinda catches the wistfulness of a first day, and the second one definitely shows her excitement. So glad she was looking forward to it like that and she's just darling!

Maria@Conversations with Moms said...

She looks so excited. Happy first day.

Auntie E said...

she looks so grown up with that backpack on. Happy Schools Days for you both. Happy WW

Mamí♥Picture said...

I love them both but that second one her smile is priceless!
What a BEAUTIFUL girl!!

Have a Lovely♥WW!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, you definitely needed both photos - very cute!

Jingle said...

I love her little glasses!!! She looks so cute and ready to go!

Roxane said...

Look at how precious! Happy first day of school :)

Amy said...

Oh she looks ready to learn. Here to a great school year.

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

Aww :) I like both of them!

Kimberly said...

I LOVE first days! Enjoy!

miranda said...

She looks really happy and so cute!

Staci A said...

Too cute! Hope she's loving school!

Pami said...

awhhh she is so cute and looks so excited and happy

Danielle said...

It is always emotional to send you child to kindergarten for the first time! My oldest went to kindergarten while I was in the hospital having my third child!!

Unknown said...

So cute!! Such a special day!

Kiki said...

Adorable little girl and first day of school ensemble. My lil' guy doesn't start for another week. I think we are both ready for some separation. It has been one long summer. Happy WW and take care.

Kara @ His, Hers and Ours said...

So cute!! And such a special, bittersweet day.

Happy WW!

Jen said...

Next week, next week, I will be in the same boat.

Bridgette said...

How adorable! Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

Kimberly@PrettyPinkMomma said...

What a cutie!

Brooke said...

Love the first picture... but I'm glad you shared her wonderful smile with us.. Here's to a wonderful school year

Kat @ For the Love of Chaos said...

Awwww!!! Tell the truth: did you cry when she left for school? :)

Chaotic Kristy said...

I can't wait till my daughter starts school I bet I'll be so sad. At least she looks like she enjoys school.

Happy wednesday SITsa.

Anonymous said...

How cute! I keep forgetting that not all kids have started school yet, my daughters school started July 31, but its year round school here.

Abby said...

How cute! I love that smile!

Run DMT said...

How cute! She looks ready to take on the day! Thanks for stopping by for WW!

Just Add Walter said...

she is so sweet! that bookbag is as big as her!

Genny said...

She is just darling! Hope she had a great day!

Shannon said...

Aw, she looks so excited! Hope she had a great 1st day :)

Joy said...

She's so cute!! That bag looks bigger then she is.

Happy WW!

Buckeroomama said...

Awww, her smile is so precious! :)

Michelle said...

Look how sweet she is in her cute little yellow windbreaker and princess backpack. I hope her first day of K went well.

Stacey @ Tree, Root, and Twig said...

I love that 2nd picture - her chin is up, her shoulders are back. She's ready to go! So cute!

Aunt Julie said...

Ohhhhh...makes me tear up! Some photos are just destined to be favorites forever, right from the beginning. Bet this will be one of those.

4 Lettre Words said...

Soooo exciting!

robin said...

How cute! She totally looks ready for school!
Happy WW and thanks for stopping by to say hi!
:) Robin

Pam said...

She is such a cutie! Hope she had a wonderful first day. : )

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

Aww, so sweet!!

Anonymous said...

Aww super cute!! Love her jacket!

Cheryl said...

She is so cute! I love that big smile! I bet she had a great day!

Small House said...

SHE'S ADORABLE! Happy as can be.

Bambie said...

Both photos said it all.. She just looks so excited on her first day. I cried during my first day of kindergaten lol.. anyway, i hope she enjoys and loving her school.

Muthering Heights said...

Awww, what an exciting day!

Anonymous said...

This is so sweet -she is adorable!

scrappysue said...

she looks too small to be going off to school! such a milestone - what a cutie
thanks for stopping by!

Hippie Family... said...

could she get any stinkin cuter!!! awww..

Andrea said...

I hope she had a fabulous day!!

Wherever HE Leads We'll Go said...

Great pictures! I do really like the first one. Hope she had a great first day.

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