Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fall Leaves

It's time for Tackle It Tuesday with 5 Minutes for Mom . This week, we tackled the massive amount of leaves that have fallen in our yard:-)

If you look really closely, you will see a little mouse in that giant pile...

...a sassy little mouse...

...a cute little mouse:-)


debi9kids said...

OMGOSH! How adorable!!!

ps Wait until you see my blog post for today. LOL

cat said...

A very very cute little mouse.

cat said...

A very very cute little mouse.

MsTypo said...

Jumping in piles of leaves is one of the best parts of autumn. :) I love that her sunglasses seem to have a pink rim and match her shirt. LOL

More Than Words said...

Wow! That is a huge tackle!! Great job! Make sure you don't throw the little mouse in the garbage!

Anonymous said...

awwwww, she's such a doll! the last pic is my fave, not that you asked! :-)

Anonymous said...

That's a serious tackle! Great job getting a picture with the leaves falling around her!

I too like the tinted sunglasses - a very stylish little lady! :)

larkswing said...

I love piles of leaves with kids playing in them! We have few leaves - mainly pinestraw :( Probably couldn't get the boys out to play in them anymore anyway - hehe

Amy said...

What a fun way to spend a day. When you have a fun little mouse to help.

Liz Mays said...

That's the cutest mouse I've ever seen!

HDMac said...

The leaves can be such a nuisance but what fun it is for the kids to laugh and jump and play in them!!!!!!!!

mommytoalot said...

Awww how fun!
She is adorable.
Lucky we don't have many trees..so no leave raking for us..YET>

Debbie said...

What adorable photos!

AiringMyLaundry said...

Very sweet :)

Shannon said...

I love fall.

And? Love the last pic!

Lee said...

We've been doing this lately too. My kids are loving it.

Unknown said...

cute little mouse! I love it! (I have no leaves... it's very strange! Even my Cherry tree seems to lose it's leaves 4 at a time.. so it's easy to keep up! NOT COMPLAINING! Just saying! Thanks for visiting and commenting. You comment, I follow!

Unknown said...

That little mouse sure is cute! I left this particular tackle to my husband and daughter this weekend.

Melissa B. said...

I love the smell of fall leaves, especially when you get to bury yourself in the pile!

Jen @ tatertotsandjello.com said...

CUTE pictures! I need to get out and do that in my yard!


Pamela M. Kramer - A Renaissance Woman said...

Now that is a cute tackle!

Forgetfulone said...

What a great tackle! Here in South Texas, we don't get the drastic change in seasons, so we still have green leaves clinging to the trees. It's okay, though. It's not my favorite thing to do, but it sure is pretty!

Carly said...

she is so cute! looks like fun to play in the leaves

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Oh, my goodness! How adorable! :D

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

These pics are wonderful. I wish we had autumn leaves like that here in Cali!

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