Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Birthday Cake

 This week, I tackled a birthday cake for my 6-year-old.

It was her golden birthday so we did it up! We had a party for her entire class (21 kids!!) at Chuck E. Cheese. She wanted a princess cake that wasn't a Barbie Doll cake. So here is my deconstructed princess:

The top is the crown:

And the bottom is her skirt with lace in the front and ruffles in the back:

She absolutely loved it and I think it turned out pretty well. What do you think?


cat said...

Oh the cake is beautiful! What did you make the crown of? Biscuits?

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

That is gorgeous! Great job!

chitra said...

Really wonderful. Nice contrasting colors and sure it would be yummmy too.:)

Liz Mays said...

You rocked that cake! What a girly dream!

Amy said...

Wow this is amazing.. Thanks for the well wishes yesterday.. I wish I could do that.. Have a great day.. I am glad you are going to stop by on Friday for my Round Robin..

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

Its beautiful!!

Jodi said...

Very cute!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!!!! excellent job :-)

Candi said...

Beautiful princess cake! They are hard to do, I'd know, I tried it once and it almost melted and fell over!!!

Lee said...

So cute. My "Princess" daughter would absolutely love this.

Danielle said...

This looks fabulous! Thanks for following. I am following back.

Upstatemamma said...

That is gorgeous!! I would LOVE to be able to make a cake like that.

More Than Words said...

Now, how many moms asked you to make a cake for their kids?


Anonymous said...

That cake is amazing!!! Happy Golden Birthday to your little one!

Melissa B. said...

This is just so great! Did you bake it on your gal's real birthday, or did you wait 'til you were feeling better?

EmmaP said...

finally!!! we get to SEE IT!!! YAY! looks good!

Shannon said...

You think it turned out "pretty well"?!

Girl, it turned out fabulous!

Perfect for a princess :)

mommytoalot said...

Oh my gosh! Thats fabulous! Wow...i bet it tasted great too.

Michelle said...

Nice job on the cake. Cake decorating is not one of my skills. :)

Michelle said...

Oh and to have a birthday party at Chuckie Cheese with 21 kids makes you the craziest, I mean best, mom ever. :)

debi9kids said...

What a gorgeous cake! What a lucky girl your daughter is :)

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Beautiful! :D Great job, Susie!

Controlling My Chaos said...

What a gorgeous cake, Susie. You are amazing.

HDMac said...

You are so talented! That cake is absolutely gorgeous! ! ! ! ! ! ! I love it!

Joey Lynn Resciniti said...

My daughter would go nuts for that cake. Her birthday is coming up. I don't think I have time to conquer my long standing deficiencies in icing skills.

Alea Milham said...

What a lovely idea! It is a beautiful cake and bet it tastes even better than it looks!

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