Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Nature Center Fun

 This week, my youngest's class went to the nature center again. It is always fun watching the kids learn and explore's GROSS!!

There were bugs (real and fake)...

...and yucky pond water with creatures...

I must have looked pretty disgusted because the teacher asked me, "Best day ever?"

You know what, gross things really was:-)


Candi said...

So fun! When we took the kids camping in July (huge mistake, too hot for tent camping by the way), there was a nature center on site. We went looking for pond critters and it totally creeped me out too!

Anonymous said...

It looks like the kids had great time. Bug are not my favorite either.

Mimi said...

My boys are older & I miss trips like these!

I'm just dropping by from SITS to say hi.


Jenna @ Newlyweds said...

Sounds like a fun field trip, but those huge roaches would have been to much for me, I am such a wimp when it come to roaches, yikes!

Anonymous said...

The nature sounds nice but agree "ew" on the bugs! Happy WW!

Jen said...

Hayden LOVES going to the nature center. Me... not so much.

Frizzy said...

Love afternoons like this bugs and all.

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

What fun! :)

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