Thursday, February 3, 2011

Holy Blizzard Batman!!

That's from inside my garage!! You can't even tell that fence hold pots of beautiful flowers in the summer. Where are they?!!!


Jen said...

You got that right!

Frizzy said...

I am amazed at the amount of snow everyone received this week. Be safe and warm.

Amy said...

Wild times.. The weather was a mess for sure.. Stay warm...

mommytoalot said...

Wow..that's crazy
we were supposed to have this huge storm..but it wasn't all that bad.

Candi said...

Holy Cow! I think that if that happened to us, I'd just crawl into to bed for the winter!

Anonymous said...

Whew we got a lot! Thankful for nice friend with plow after this storm! We'd still be trying to get out the drive!

EmmaP said...

I hope you stayed warm!!!!

More Than Words said...

Oh my gosh!!!!!!!! Sooooooooo much snow!

The Blonde Duck said...

Wow! We got snow here in SA too!

Bettina said...

Stay warm :) I'm going to be heading back into the world of white very soon...brrrrr! Will be living in my Uggs!

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

WOWsA, Susie!

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

I thought I commented on this post...Holy batman a blizzard indeed!!! Thats CRAZY!!!!!!

Shannon said...


Laural Out Loud said...

It looks so gorgeous when it's smooth like that. Every year I miss the snow until I see what people have to deal with in the middle of winter!

Debbie said...

Amazing! That was one incredible storm.

Penelope said...

Looked like us about a week ago…we are finally dug out.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! I saw a lot of people complaining about getting 2 inches of snow... I laughed at them.

LisaDay said...

Buried apparently. I hope you find flowers soon.

Thank you for popping by on my SITS day.


Anonymous said...

Stopping from SITS! What a huge amount of snow! I definitely can't see the flower pots.

Mamarazzi said...


i am so glad i don't live where it snows...snow is NOT my friend!!

Michelle said...

How did I miss your blizzard post and pics? Wow was that a lot... I feel like it's really piling on that it's so freezing now after the snow. *sigh* Hope you shoveled out safely!

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