Wednesday, June 10, 2009

An Epic Battle

Badminton tournament sans net:-)


More Than Words said...

Isn't it awesome to see your girls out there playing together!!!!!

Dee said...

LOL!!! The net just gets in the way!

larkswing said...

They are sisters? ahhh, sibling rivalry of the best kind, having fun!

Kathleen W. said...

So fun! I love badminton, net or no net. I need to find a set.

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

I haven't played badminton in years!!+

Lindy said...

Who needs a net? Looks like fun. Thinking about getting a badminton set for out here - thanks for the inspiration. Happy WW!

Susan Cook said...

I love badminton! Great shot. Looks like fun.

Happy WW!

tiarastantrums said...

love that the older one will play with your little one

Unknown said...

That's awesome! I can't wait to do stuff like that!

fidget said...

i love badmiton, was thinking about getting a set for the summer

McClure Family said...

that is how we play too!! LOL!

my WW:

Heather said...

Looks like fun!

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

What fun! :D

Danielle said...

What happened to the net? I love badminton but I chipped my front tooth while playing!

Marrdy said...

How fun!

Sweet Serendipity said...

Looks like fun, with or without the net.
Thanks for coming by today :D

The Blonde Duck said...

I love badminton! We used to play all the time.

Susan Holt Simpson said...

Who needs a net?!

Unknown said...

Fun summer activity!

Ms. Latina said...

That looks like so much fun! Even better without the net I think =)
Happy WW!

CC said...

Who needs a net???

Michelle said...

That's sibling love :) I bet they had fun.

Stacy Uncorked said...

I love that they don't let the fact there's no net deter them from having fun! :)

Happy WW! :)

heidi said...

I love badmiton!! We have a set minus the net, too. :-)

Staci A said...

Looks like fun!

debi9kids said...

That's the best way to play! You'll always be certain to get it to the other side. LOL

Happy Wednesday!

Momisodes said...

What fun! Looks like it was a gorgeous day. Badminton is so much fun :)

~Sandy~ said...

looks like they are having fun!!!

thanks so much for stopping by and Happy WW!!!

Jess said...

It's always better without the net!CUTE!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

Way to play! Net or not, I bet it was still a blast!

Muthering Heights said...

LOL, who won?

Controlling My Chaos said...

Who needs a net? It just gets in the way.

Sara Elizabeth said...

Fun! I have never played badminton before. It looks fun, though.

Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

Jennifer @ Quiverfull Family said...

I can hear the soundtrack now!

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

Aw, who needs a net? More flexible play without it. Fun shot! :D

Anonymous said...

Looks like they were having a good time... were there any fights about whether or not the birdie went over the "net"??

Unknown said...

Looks like fun! I remember playing a kid - sans net as well. But our current neighbors have a net and play daily. :)

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