Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Raven Cupcakes

This week I tackled the Iron Cupcake: Milwaukee Literary Challenge. We were suppose to interprete a book, or a character or a plot in cupcake form. I chose Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven. May I present: Raven Cupcakes:
Raven Cupcakes
They are chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting decorated to with The Raven.


MsTypo said...

I knew when you mentioned it yesterday that the cupcake thing was something i would want to be part of. The raven cupcake in teh tree is really cool!

EmmaP said...

I'm so Ravenous right now! looks good! ... tee hee!...

debi9kids said...

Oh how fun! LOVE The Raven! Great choice :)

Anonymous said...

so awesome!!!

SnoWhite said...

nice work! you are an artist.

Anonymous said...

yummy!! What a great idea!! And WHERE did you find that tree? It's perfect!

here is my tackle post if you have a chance!

heidi said...

Oh very cool! I was wanting to see what you came up with. Nicely done. :-)

Momisodes said...

Oh my. I've mentioned this on my blog recently. I'm ALL about cupcakes lately! That looks wonderful.

More Than Words said...

Gosh, you're good! You always come up w/ the most creative designs!!!

Shannon said...

So cool!

Rose DesRochers said...

Now that is creative.

Candi said...

That's super cute....way to go!

The Blonde Duck said...

That is amazing! Great decorations!

JessieLeigh said...

That is beautiful! You're so very talented-- I'm wondering just how many you decorated that way... ;)

Diann @ The Thrifty Groove said...

That is so awesome!

Nancy M. said...

Very cool! You did an awesome job!

Liz Mays said...

I just love where you went with this! How imaginative and creative. :)

Donetta said...

VERY cool!
how fun that your creativity is given wing...

Sarah said...

Very cute!


Jingle said...

This is great and I really love how you photographed it!

Hoosier Homemade said...

Very cool! Awesome work! Thanks for joining in the party at Cupcake Tuesday!

Kathleen W. said...

That is so amazing! Now you'll need to take on The Tell Tale Heart, which I remember reading when we read The Raven in school.

Teri said...

Oh, how cool! I love this.

Unknown said...

Cute and clever!!

Sandy said...

Too good to eat, for sure!

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