Monday, September 29, 2008

Susie's Homemade Honey Molasses Dinner Rolls

If you recall last week, I published my French Menu for a dinner party this past weekend. Well, the party was a HUGE success!!

These are my Homemade Honey Molasses Dinner Rolls that I served with this menu. I should probably call them Semi-Homemade because I do make the dough in a bread machine. I am sorry if I am offending any one's sensibilities with this but, I can not knead bread to save my life.

Susie's Homemade Honey Molasses Dinner Rolls

3/4 cup milk
1/4 cup butter
1 egg
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup sugar
2 tbls molasses
2 tbls honey
3 cups flour
1-1/2 tsp bread machine yeast
1 egg white plus 1 tbls water beated together for egg wash.

1. Add of the ingredients except the flour and the yeast to the bread machine. Add the flour and make a little hole for the yeast. Add the yeast. Select the dough cycle on your bread machine per the manufacturer instructions.
2. Once the dough is complete, pour the dough on to a floured surface. Make 16 balls (2 oz. each). Roll each ball into a 12-inch long rope. Tie the "ropes" into a pretzel shape and tuck the ends underneath. Brush each roll with the egg wash. Let rise for 30 minutes.
3. Brush each roll with egg wash again. Bake at 375 degrees for 15 minutes. For best results, serve immediately or store in a food storage bag once they are cooled.
16 servings



Amy said...

OH, I love bread, rolls, biscuits, you name it. Those look great :D

Unknown said...

I knead in my kitchen aid mixer-no shame in that! They look yummy!

earthlingorgeous said...

This look so yummy!

Jen said...

Those look oh so yummy. I am so glad that everything was a success.

Shannon said...

Mmmmm... yum!

I am a bread lover... and have passed this on to my girls!

Simply Stork said...

hello to susie :o)

I am just popping in to say a quick hello...


boy do those look good...yum!


thotlady said...

I can actually taste these rolls just from the photograph.


Anonymous said...

Those look awesome....makes me wish I had a breadmaker....

Liz said...

Those look amazing! My stomach is growling...

Jen said...

Those look WONDERFUL! Glad the party was a success!

Rhea said...

I'm drooling just looking at those rolls. Bread is my weakness.

Teri said...

Oh, those rolls look good enough to eat. hehe

Anonymous said...

Those look delish!

Jennifer said...

MMmmmmmm! Those sound DEE-licious!! I might have to wipe the dust off my breadmaker and try these!!

Controlling My Chaos said...

Hey, don't dis the bread maker. Your rolls are still homemade. They're gorgeous too.

~Janet~ said...

These look amazing! I'm filing that recipe under yummy!!

I Love Purple More Than You said...

Those look amazing! I'm going to have to try that. And I too cannot make bread without the assistance of my bread maker.

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

Oh my...I will have to make these soon!!! YUM!

BPOTW said...

Yummy! But I didn't know that making bread in a bread machine wasn't homemade...I think you just ruined me, haha :)

Congrats on the party! And thanks for submitting again!

Liz Mays said...

Scrumptious! Thank you for showing me this recipe!!!!

Thank You!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Can I have 2? or 4??? They look delicious.

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