Monday, May 4, 2009

Taco Night

Check out what we do for Taco Night:-)
In honor of Cinco de Mayo, Pick N Save is having a sale on all things Mexican (i.e. tortillas, sour cream, salsa, etc.). Taco night is the easiest and cheapest way to stretch a buck and what better reason to have it than Cinco de Mayo. So, I thought I would share my taco recipe with you below! Enjoy:-)
I am doing more menu planning with I'm an Organizing Junkie and finding more deals at Pick N Save for $5 Dinners .

Here is what I am serving this week:

Sunday: Eating out for nephew and niece's confirmation

Monday: Semi-Homemade Spaghetti Dinner

Tuesday: Taco Night (see recipe below)

Wednesday: Fried Fish and French Fries

Thursday: Eat Out (Soccer tonight:-)

Friday: Left Over Buffet

Taco Night6 Servings

1 lb ground beef
1 T Flour
1 1/2 T chili powder
3/4 t onion powder
1 t garlic powder
1 t paprika
3/4 t cumin
1/2 t seasoned salt
1/4 t beef bouillon
3/4 t minced onions
1 c water
1/2 c salsa
1/2 c sour cream
6 flour tortillas

Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 377.18
Calories From Fat: 198.17
Total Fat: 21.73g
Saturated Fat: 8.65g
Cholesterol: 64.57mg
Sodium: 668.76mg Potassium: 410.44mg
Total Carbohydrates: 26.42mg
Fiber: 2.53g
Protein: 18.31g

Recipe Author: Susan Ewing

Recipe: $4.80
Serving: $.80



More Than Words said...

My family loves it when I make tacos & burritos!! Now I'm craving for them!

mommytoalot said...

Mmm taco night sounds yummy.

Sugar Boogers & Tantrums said...

Taco night in our house it always our favorite. I love to make enchiladas too. I will have to get this recipe and try it out. THanks!!

Happy Monday!!

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

I haven't had a taco in forever. Sounds good!!!

Kathy B! said...

Taco night!!! YUM!

We used to set up a whole taco bar on the counter and the kids would go through buffet-style. They loved it. I think we're going to have to bring that one back again!

Anonymous said...

Taco night sounds like tons of fun!

EmmaP said...

taco night is my FAV night!!! whoo hoot!

Bettina said...

We also love taco night and a couple nights later if there were leftovers I make a taco pizza that we love as well!

Jen said...

Ooo, what a good idea. Tacos it is for us too.

debi9kids said...

LOVE your taco recipe!
I am making Enchalada Lasagna for Cinco de Mayo. YUM!

Aunt Julie said...

I think we'll have tacos tomorrow nite, too. Thanks so much for the inspiration! BTW, POPrs are in Festival Foods now. Check them out in the Yogurt aisle. New packaging and everything, just for Festival!

Anonymous said...

I love anything Mexican...yummy!!!

Claremont First Ward said...

We love taco night around here. I don't usually use paprika or cumin in my seasonings. I'm going to have to add them.

The Happy Housewife said...

We love tacos and it is really cheap! The Commissary didn't have their stuff on sale this week though :(.

Amy said...

Thanks for playing along today. Have a great day.

Xazmin said...

I LOVE taco night! Thanks for sharing the great recipe. I'm definitely going to try it...we love tacos!

Katie said...

I love tacos, but I've always used a packet before. It'd be nice to get away from that.

Anonymous said...

Love it! We have never made taco's -- I really want to try that one. TFS

Happy Mothers Day

Melissa said...

Sounds delicious!!

Here from Ultimate Recipe Swap.

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