Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Werewolf Cupcakes

This week, I tackled Werewolf Cupcakes for a neighborhood Halloween party:

Happy Halloween:-)


Anonymous said...

oh my gawsh! those are sooo adorable! way too cute :-)

More Than Words said...

My kids would gobble that up like there was no tomorrow!!

This is one of my favorites, Susie!

MsTypo said...

Beyond cute!! These would be the hit of any halloween party.

EmmaP said...

way cool for the ghouls and guys!!!

cat said...

Oh they are so cute! (and not scary at all). I bet they are also yummy.

Anonymous said...

So cute!! what did you use for the eyes?? :)

Hoosier Homemade said...

How cute! Love em'! Thanks for joining in the fun at Cupcake Tuesday!

B said...

Those are awesome!! I love it.

Liz Mays said...

Oh my gosh! They're so perfect!! I love them. :)

Jen said...

Those are adorable. I think that next year, I need to make those for the kids. (Or better yet, have you do it. ;))

Amy said...

These are awesome...

Anonymous said...

Those are too cute!

Stephanie said...

Those look cute! I stumble you this post :)

Anonymous said...

Those are so cute AND chocolate! What could be better? Adorable.
pk @ Room Remix

Stephanie said...

Oh my goodness! Those are so cute. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Erica@ 5 Minutes for Mom said...

Everyone has such adorable treats in this week's Tackle. Your cupcakes are cute too...and I hate to admit it, but when I saw, werewolf, I immediately thought of Jacob from the Twilight series. I am a little obsessed, I admit it. Anyway, thank you for the GREAT recipe. I will have to make these with the kids.

Anonymous said...

OH MY GAWD... how cute are these!!!

Thanks for the comment love.. I know I need it.


Claremont First Ward said...

Oh my stars. those are fabulous!

The Blonde Duck said...

They're too cute to be scary!

Anonymous said...

Oh my those are just too cute, love the teeth!

Robyn said...

Those are just too adorable! LOVE looking at your creations! Such fun!

Mom All Day

karen said...

Oh my goodness! These are so adorable!!!

Heather said...

Those are TOO CUTE!!!! My girls are jumping up and down behind me.

Anonymous said...

Makes you want to hug a werewolf. Uncle Buck

Melissa B. said...

These are awesome! How does one craft a creation of this magnitude?

Toni said...

Oh my goodness, how cute are THOSE? My son would LOVE making them. Maybe we'll do them tomorrow :)

Candid Carrie said...

Oooooh, that is so cool! I love how they look like my cat on a bad hair day ;)

Alison said...

These cupcakes are adorable!

Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

mommytoalot said...

Those are sooo cool . Bet they are tasty as well.

Momisodes said...

These are so adorable!!!

Buckeroomama said...

These werewolf cupcakes are just awesome! Not sure if I will be able to "tackle" them for my son's Halloween class party tomorrow. I might have to try that another time.

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

Those are adorable... well as adorable as werewolves can be!!

BPOTW said...

So cute!

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